[412-code-talk] Net neutrality

Mark Rauterkus Mark at rauterkus.com
Wed Sep 27 13:28:15 EDT 2023

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Monthly Digest

September 2023
Our Pick 2 for News You May Have Missed

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Can we go back to net neutrality?

   In a significant development
the US government is poised to reintroduce sweeping regulations for
high-speed internet providers, igniting the debate over the future of the

The proposed rules from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) aim to
restore net neutrality, classifying internet services as "essential
telecommunications." FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel emphasizes the
necessity of net neutrality, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic,
where reliable internet access became vital. A national standard could
promote faster, affordable broadband deployment.

*A Return to Obama-Era Regulations* This move aims to revive net neutrality
regulations rolled back during the Trump administration. It could set the
stage for broader rules addressing national security, public safety, or
consumer privacy.

*What is net neutrality?*

Think of it like a level playing field. Net neutrality keeps the internet
open and ensures that you have the same access to all parts of the web, no
matter how big or small the websites are. It's like making sure everyone
gets a fair shot on the internet highway.

*1. **No Fast Lanes:* Net neutrality ensures that ISPs can't create "fast
lanes" for some websites or services. This means that your favorite blog, a
small startup's website, and a big company's site should all load at the
same speed.

*2. **No Blocking:* ISPs can't block or stop you from accessing certain
websites or online services. You can go wherever you want on the internet
without any restrictions.

*3. **No Throttling:* Throttling is like slowing down your internet speed
intentionally for certain websites or services. Net neutrality stops ISPs
from slowing down your connection to specific sites.

*Why is net neutrality important?*

*1. **Freedom:* It protects your freedom to explore the internet without
any interference from your internet provider. You get to choose what you
want to do online.

*2. **Innovation:* It encourages innovation because small companies and
startups have an equal chance to reach users without having to pay extra
for faster access.

*3. **Fairness:* It's fair to everyone. Your internet provider shouldn't
have the power to decide which websites or services you can access easily.

*Industry Opposition *Internet providers, wielding considerable influence,
are expected to strongly oppose these regulations. Past net neutrality
discussions have sparked controversy, media attention, and even
demonstrations. There's also some potential legal industry pushback and
challenges to follow this proposal, as the Supreme Court reevaluates the
power of federal agencies.

In sum, the FCC's proposal to reinstate net neutrality rules represents a
significant step in ensuring a fair and open internet. It reflects ongoing
efforts to strike a balance between regulating ISPs and maintaining an
environment conducive to investment and innovation in the broadband
industry. The outcome will shape the future of internet access and
competition in the United States.
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Supporting Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs with Disabilities

   The Small Business Hub, at National Disability Institute (NDI), invites
you to its Second Annual Disability Owned Convening, a national virtual and
free event taking place on October 31, November 1 and 2, 2023, from
12:30-5:00 p.m. each day. Building on the success of last year’s inaugural
convening, this unparalleled event will bring together entrepreneurs and
small business owners with disabilities, entrepreneurial support
organizations, policymakers, financial institutions and disability
advocates from across the country.

The virtual convening features a dynamic program consisting of keynote
speeches, plenaries and informational sessions. These sessions will cover a
wide range of topics including pathways to financial resources, technology
tools, business organization and management and other exciting subjects.
Inspiring stories and experiences of small business owners with
disabilities will also be showcased, serving as a source of education and
inspiration for others.

In line with our commitment to accessibility, the event will be fully
inclusive. We will provide downloadable materials, American Sign Language
(ASL) interpreters and captioning for online presentations. Furthermore,
NDI is dedicated to ensuring representation and inclusivity by
intentionally highlighting small businesses owned by individuals with
intersecting identities.

Whether you're an established small business owner or just starting out,
this fully accessible convening offers invaluable opportunities to gain
actionable advice, expand your network and hear from successful
entrepreneurs who will share their knowledge and insights.

Five Top Reasons to Attend:

   - Connect and learn from like-minded entrepreneurs who truly understand
   your opportunities and challenges
   - Ask and have your questions answered in real-time by industry experts
   and thought leaders
   - Attending the convening is an investment in yourself and your business
   - Connect with potential business partners, customers and solution
   - Participate in an inclusive, diverse and energizing environment

Registration is now open.
Secure your spot today!
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