{news} minutes of 12/15/04 Executive Committee meeting

edubrule edubrule at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 21 23:29:52 EST 2004

Minutes of December 15, 2004 Executive Committee meeting--Hartford office, 6-8:30pm


Attending:  both current co-chairs (Mike DeRosa, Elizabeth Brancato), treasurer Bob Eaton, secretary Ed DuBrule.  Tim McKee (observer).


Fundraising letter mailed out 12/2/04.   Receipts so far are 3 checks totaling $170, with Chris Reilly reporting that 2 other envelopes have been received at the post office box.  The bill received from the mailing bureau exceeds the price quote obtained from them ($855-955).  The bill from the mailing bureau is $1,339.68;  this includes postage of $447.98 which Bob has already paid. The number of pieces mailed out (2,188) exceeds the number in the quote (2,000).   A two-page letter rather than our requested two-sided letter was sent out.  2,700 letters were printed and folded, but only 2,188 sent out.  Mike said that the quote didn't include the cost of the paper.  Mike will again call the mailing bureau to discuss these issues.


Treasurer's report.  A check for $258 was received from the national party;  the accompanying letter was unclear but apparently a percentage of donations sent to national from CT Greens is returned to the state.  The only outstanding obligation at this time is the cost of the mailing.

     Bob is investigating the bill for the $104 insurance rider mentioned in the treasurer's report presented to the November SCC meeting.


Unreimbursed expenditures of Chris Reilly.  We will be presenting a proposal to the January 4, 2005 SCC meeting stating that the Executive Committee believes that Chris should be repaid the money he spent for office rent.


Audit of CTGP books by Audrey Cole.   A meeting of Bob, Chris Reilly, and Audrey had been planned but did not occur.  Bob will contact Audrey to try to reschedule such a meeting, or otherwise further the process of getting the audit done.


"Thank you candidates"/"Where to we go from here" event.  Tim volunteered to help work on putting together an event, perhaps at the Hartford office, where our November elections candidates make short presentations on their campaigns and where our elections strategies can be discussed.  Perhaps Calvin Nicholson and Ralph Ferrucci can attend and discussion of their ideas (as presented at the November SCC meeting) can occur.


Internal elections.  The internal elections commmittee will need to submit a proposal to an SCC meeting authorizing an appropriation of funds.  Ed and Tim will meet to sort some remaining bad-address ballots (containing address corrections from the 

post office) so that these address changes can be given to chapter reps at the January 4 SCC meeting.  Tim wondered if a functioning computer could be put in the office so that list work could be done there, perhaps by co-op students.  


Proposal for the Project for a Green American Connecticut.  This document, prepared by Calvin and Ralph, was presented at the November SCC meeting.  Today we wondered how their ideas relate to the Action Plan.  The document proposes a "New Elections Committee" and a "New Fundraising Committee";  the Action Plan already provides for an Elections Committee and a Fundraising Committee.  Ralph and Calvin could join the Elections Committee and the Elections Committee could make proposal(s) on elections strategies to the SCC.   Would the mission of the "New Fundraising Committee" be limited to raising funds for statewide/federal elections efforts, rather than the CTGP as a whole?  Is the proposed restriction that members of the New Elections Committee and New Fundraising Committee cannot belong to other committees consistent with the Action Plan?


SCC agenda.  The agenda for the January 4, 2005 SCC meeting was worked out.  As usual, it will be published to the News listserve one week before the meeting.
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