{news} Demand a Recount!

NECT Greens nectgreens at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 30 21:29:49 EST 2004

(Please print, post, and forward as widely as possible.)

On January 6, 2005, the House and Senate will once again meet to consider 
the electoral vote count. And once again, that vote count is likely to be 
challenged by a group of progressive House members, who will make the case 
that the mis-allocation of voting machines (especially in Ohio), the abuse 
of provisional balloting in numerous states, and the refusal and/or 
inability to conduct the recount in an open and auditable manner in Ohio, in 
Florida, and in so many other key states, mean that the certified electors 
should not be seated.

Tim Carpenter of the Progressive Democrats for America, stated: "We all 
remember that early scene from Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911", where one 
African American after another stands up in the well of the House to 
challenge the Florida vote from 2000, only to be ruled out of order due to 
the lack of a single signature from a single Senator. Not this time.

* Urge Your Senator to Contest The Vote -- On January 6, 2005, the House and 
Senate will meet to consider the electoral vote count. Progressive members 
of the House Representatives will challenge the vote count based on the 
voting irregularities and recount efforts still underway. Urge your Senator 
to stand with the Representatives to avoid a repeat of the 2000 silence from 
the Senate. This action also targets potential Senators who are allies on 
this cause.

>From recent postings, a lot of Senators are concerned, but afraid to act.  
They need lots of phone calls in the next few days.  There will be a caucus 
on Tuesday, so please call before that, if possible.  Don't be fooled into 
inaction by the lack of media coverage.  There's a lot going on.  Check 
www.votecobb.org for up-to-date info.

                                Take action by calling your Senators!

Senator Chris Dodd

Senator Joe Lieberman

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