{news} Fw: American Democracy

Tom Sevigny capeconn at comcast.net
Wed Nov 10 15:50:53 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Anna Callahan 
To: anna at annacallahan.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: American Democracy

Dear all,


I have never before written a letter to all my email contacts, but I believe this is the most important issue I have seen in my life so far.  Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, an Independent, Libertarian, Reform, or Green, you should be concerned if our country does not have free and fair elections.


A lot of evidence is being discovered showing that the election held on Nov 2, 2004, was not a fair election.  In one precinct in Ohio's Franklin County, 638 people cast ballots. Yet, George W Bush got 4,258 votes to John Kerry's 260. In reality, Bush only received 365 votes. That means Bush got nearly 3,900 extra votes. And that was just in one small precinct. This in a state that Bush officially won by only 136,000 votes. Now, questions are being raised across the state of Ohio. In Fairview Park, twelve miles west of downtown Cleveland, only 13,342 people were registered voters there, but they cast 18,472 votes. In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the County's website shows its 29 precincts had more votes than voters. In fact, it wasn't just a handful. It registered a whopping 93,000 more votes than voters. 


Democracy Now is my favorite investigative news source.  I encourage you to watch this morning's report on this issue on their website (Make sure you get the news for Nov 10).  


*If you want to watch the entire hour-long segment, including information on the 5,000 innocent detainees being held since 2001 (against both our Constitution and the Geneva Convention), visit:



*If you want to watch only the segments on the election, please visit:


and click on "Listen to segment", "Watch 128 stream" or "Watch 256 stream".


*If you are reading this and it's not Nov 10, you can look at the bottom of the www.democracynow.org main page for recent shows.  If it is more than a few days after Nov 10 and you still want to see the program, click on "browse archives by date" on the left-hand side of the home page.


Thank you, 

Anna Callahan

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