{news} minutes October 2004 SCC meeting,part 2 of 3

edubrule edubrule at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 18 22:46:32 EST 2004



1. Bylaws segment "4-1 Chapters" (Appendix 3).  Referred to chapters by September SCC meeting (a step in the bylaws revision process).   Discussion was brief due to the lateness of the hour.  Francis said that the wording "three consecutive months" in section 4-1-C would be better than the current wording.  Andy said he would rewrite the proposal incorporating this suggestion.


2. Bylaws segment "4-2 State Central Committee" (Appendix 4).  Referred to chapters by September SCC meeting (a step in the bylaws revision process).  Mike referred to section 4-2-B, which gives each chapter two voting representatives, and an additional rep for each 100 registered Greens residing in the chapter.  He said that this would tend to lead to many small chapters.  He wondered if a chapter that was successful in electing candidates should be entitled to more voting reps.  Barbara said that she objects to many parts of the proposal.  For example, it could make a difference when the list of registered Greens was obtained, because people switch parties before primaries.  Towns might charge for voter lists, and this expense may be a burden on some chapters.

     Further discussion of the proposal was deferred to the next SCC meeting.


3. Proposal from Fairfield chapter on setting up Office Committee (Appendix 5).  Eddie Friend presented the proposal.  Echoing the language in the proposal, Eddie said that people from chapters that favor state funding of an office could come to a meeting of this committee and bring ideas for fundraising.  People from chapters that don't favor state funding of an office could come with insurance information.  Tim, Lynah, Mike, and Eddie wish to serve on this committee.

SCC DECISION:  the proposal was passed by consensus.


4. Proposal from Executive Committee on fundraising letter (Appendix 6).   Mike presented the proposal.  Aaron noted that he has created a website which contains many lists which might be useful in the mailing.

SCC DECISION:  proposal passed by consensus.



1.  Elections Committee and campaign reports.

**Vincent said that about 7 Greens came to the convention which re-nominated Ralph Ferrucci;  Ralph is now on the ballot.  He did debates.

**Aaron said that Calvin Nicholson asked for a debate with the two current New Haven registrars of voters but was turned down.  Got Advocate article, interviewed by New Haven Register.

**Mike said his candidacy has been endorsed by several organizations; got articles in Courant and Herald and WTIC radio interview.

**Elizabeth said Tom Sevigny was endorsed by the Courant;  it's a four-way race including a Working Families Party candidate.  Tom debated on cable TV and has another debate coming up;  he has campaigned at the town's transfer station (convenient place to meet voters in a semi-rural district).

**Ed Friend said that Nancy Burton's candidacy has been reported in all three weekly newspapers;  she's emphasizing environmental issues including closing the Millstone and Indian Point nuclear power plants.  Film "Fatal Fallout" about an attack on Indian Point will be shown at Burton's campaign office.


2. Women's Caucus--Lynah reported that they will meet next month.


3. Executive Committee--plan mailing of fundraising letter (see "Proposals", below).  Minutes of the October EC meeting were put on the News listerve last night.  At that meeting Elizabeth Horton Sheff resigned from the CT Green Party.  She is willing to work with us on issues of mutual concern.


4. Chapter reports

**Tolland chapter (Tim):  showed anti-WalMart movie;  working on Vernon area development issues.  Tim will organize a "thank-you candidates"/recap campaigns and "Where do we go from here?" potlunch luncheon and meeting for November 13.

**New London chapter (Andy):  have TV show (including Ralph Ferrucci discussing the Nader and Cobb campaigns);  talking to Elizabeth Horton Sheff about the Sheff vs. O'Neill lawsuit;  working on local elections and charter revision;  Cobb will be at Connecticut College.

**Fairfield chapter (Ed Friend):  Cobb will be at Bloodroot Restaurant.

**Northwest chapter (Elizabeth):  Bob Eaton appeared on a local cable show sponsored by a peace group;  discussed Cobb campaign.

**Hamden chapter (Aaron):  Working on new middle school issue (contaminated soil).  Kelly McCarthy was on TV show on importance of voting, and plans to do more tapings.

**Central Connecticut chapter (Vincent and Steve)--work on Ferrucci campaign;  people favor action (such as vigils) not meetings.

**Hartford chapter (Mike):  save-the-office parties/movie nights, including Greg Palast movie on Florida elections and his latest movie on the Bush family's fortunes.  


5. Report from US Green Party representatives--Tim reported that the national Party may take against Vermont and Nevada, whose Green Parties didn't put Cobb on the ballot.


6. VOTER--Mike hopes VOTER will again meet to work on minor party ballot access issues and ballot paper trail issues.  The CT Secretary of State has declared her support for a paper trail but a call for proposals voting machines seems at odds with this.  Tim said that the November 2 elections provide an opportunity for Greens to talk about such issues.


Appendix 1  Proposal on unreimbursed expenditures made by Chris Reilly
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