{news} Re: Letter to Editor

Elizabeth M. Brancato embrancato at netzero.com
Wed Aug 10 20:07:16 EDT 2005

Sorry, here's the letter:

Dear Editor,

As I write this, a brave, bereaved American mother is in her second day 
of waiting outside the president's ranch, in Crawford, TX, to speak with 
him.  She wants to know why her son, Casey, died.  She asks "What is the 
'noble cause'" that over 1800 of our children have died for?  She is 
determined to stay until her questions are answered.

Cindy, who co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace (www.gsfp.org), along 
with representatives of Veterans for Peace (www.veteransforpeace.org), 
Vietnam Veterans Against the War (www.vvaw.org), and Iraq Veterans 
Against the War (www.ivaw.net) journeyed to Crawford Saturday morning 
and began their march to the president's ranch.  They have been harassed 
and intimidated, but they have persevered, and people from all over the 
country are traveling to Texas to join them.  Others, who cannot go to 
Texas,  have begun a fast in support of their cause.

Cindy has said, about her "occupation" of Crawford, TX,  "The beginning 
of the end of the occupation of Iraq was on August 6, 2005, and in, of 
all places, Crawford, TX."

Please express your support of this effort and the effort to stop the 
killing of our children, however you can.  Contact any of the 
organizations listed above.  Write to the  President, and to your 
members of Congress.  Write to this newspaper.   Stand with your area 
Peace group, in their regular vigils.

Bring our troops home.  Now.

Elizabeth M. Brancato

Elizabeth M. Brancato wrote:

> This letter was published today in my local newspaper (the Register 
> Citizen).  Please take whatever action you can to support Cindy 
> Sheehan.  If you like, please feel free to use my letter, or any part 
> of it, to write to your own local newspaper.  She may just be right 
> when she says that this is the beginning of the end of the war.  How 
> great!
> Elizabeth Brancato

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