{news} FYI

Elizabeth M. Brancato embrancato at netzero.com
Mon Feb 7 19:33:15 EST 2005




*Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice* is organizing a one-day workshop on

*GI RIGHTS Counseling/Advocacy*

**Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005, ****9:30 am to 3:30 pm ****at Charter Oak 
Cultural Center, 21 Charter Oak Ave, ****Hartford****, ****CT.  
****Anticipated cost: $25 (including lunch)**

Details of time and cost still to be worked out. 

**To Register or receive further information: ****aperry7247 at aol.com 
<mailto:aperry7247 at aol.com> ****or 203/865-6575**

**If you know people who need immediate assistance, please refer them to 
the Hotline: ****800-394-9544**

The primary focus for this training is CT clergy, but the workshop is 
open to all.  The goal is to create a publicly visible network of people 
in CT to whom military personnel can turn if they are questioning the 
morality and legality of the war in Iraq and/or are considering 
conscientious objection.  This workshop will provide basic information 
about legal rights and options available to military personnel.  It will 
also connect you with a network of people who are ready and able to 
assist with problems/situations you don't know how to address.

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