{news} Fw: Death Penalty update, 1/30

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Sun Jan 30 17:10:41 EST 2005

Death Penalty update, 1/30
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Stephen Kobasa 
To: Recipient List Suppressed: 
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: Death Penalty update, 1/30

As of this time (Sunday, 1 p.m.) the execution of Michael Ross is set for tomorrow, Monday, January 31st, at 9 p.m. But this could change, so please check e-mail and web page frequently <www.dontkillinmynamect.org>

There is a possibility that "60 Minutes" this evening will carry a report on the Ross case.Check local listings.
If the execution does proceed, people are asked to be in Somers/Enfield Monday night at Shaker Field by 8 p.m. - the Somers Congregational Church will be open by 5 p.m.

HOWEVER, whatever happens in regard to the execution, please note that

The Judiciary Committee is holding a public hearing on the death penalty tomorrow, January 31, and they are considering a bill to repeal the law. PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND THIS HEARING. If you do not wish to speak, just show up any time after 1:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. You can stay some or all of the time, but we must PACK THIS MEETING WITH ANTI-DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE. The legislators are going out on a limb on this one and we need to show them they have support. CALL THEM, WRITE THEM, STOP BY THEIR OFFICES WHILE YOU ARE THERE but please let them know we are out there. We will leave the Legislative Office Building when the meeting ends at 7 p.m. and go to Shaker Field directly if need be.

The meeting will last  from 2: 00 P. M. to 7: 00 P. M. in Room 2E of the LOB. Speaker order will be decided by a lottery system. Numbers may be drawn beginning at 9: 00 A. M. in Room 2500 of the LOB and will be available until 1: 30 P. M. The list of speakers will posted in Room 2E of the LOB at 1: 45 P. M. Please submit 65 copies of written testimony to Committee staff two hours prior to the start of the hearing in the Judiciary Committee, Room 2500 of the LOB. Speakers will be limited to three minutes of testimony.

Please, if you do only one thing this year, get to Hartford Monday afternoon.

Parking can be a problem. You can try to find a spot behind the Legislative Office Building - this fills up fast. Other parking alternatives

1) on the street - free and meters
2) free lot on Capitol Avenue - on corner of Broad Street - free, but unpaved and unsupervised. This is a free for all
3) Park at paid lot at CEA Headquarters on Oak Street - directly across from the LOB - $12 for three hours or more
4) park at lots near the Bushnell and that area near the Courthouse on Main Street

Continue to contact Governor Rell and call upon her to reconsider her earlier decision, and immediately grant a reprieve to Michael Ross. Please also ask the governor to reconsider her threat to veto an abolition bill.

The Honorable M. Jodi Rell
   Office of the Governor
   State Capital 
   210 Capitol Avenue
   Hartford, CT 06106
   860- 566-4840/ 800- 406-1527
   governor.rell at po.state.ct.us
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