{news} Impeach Bush----Request by Green Party-Kansas City

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 14:38:43 EDT 2005

Dee Berry <dberry7 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:From: "Dee Berry" <dberry7 at sbcglobal.net>
To: <natlcomvotes at green.gpus.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 21:09:41 -0500
CC: dberry7 at sbcglobal.net
Subject: [usgp-coo] Request by Green Party-Kansas City

Please join our grassroots effort to call for the impeachment of George
Bush and Dick Chaney.

The Green Party of Kansas City is inviting and urging Green local or
state parties across the US to join us in calling for the impeachment of
George Bush and Dick Chaney. We have called a press conference for
Friday morning urging impeachment and calling for the media to get the
story out about the Downing Street Memo and subsequent memos. Our hope
is to see hundreds of Green press conferences across the US on Friday
through Monday. 

This is a real grass roots effort and does not require any action by the
national GP-US or the national committee only the locals if they so
choose. It does of course dovetail very nicely with the US-GP call for
impeachment that came out a couple of days ago.

We are inviting all of the peace, justice, veterans, media reform groups
in KC to join us in our call and are in the process of gathering up
co-sponsors. We will put out another press release tomorrow listing
others who have joined us in calling for impeachment. We believe that
we have a tremendous opportunity to break through Bush's strangle hold
on this country, and it is extremely important to build as much
momentum as possible to holding Bush accountable and end the war soon.
We also believe a grassroots Green effort that coincides with our
national effort can be very effective in building this momentum.

Please join us. I have copied our press release below. 




Marie Smith, Coordinator, 816-523-1813

Melinda Ivey, Media Coordinator, 816-260-6002

Greens Call for the Impeachment of President Bush and Richard Chaney

The Green Party of Kansas City announces a news conference Friday, June
17, 10 a.m. at JC Nichols Fountain, 47th and Broadway, Kansas City, MO
to call for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice and
Vice-President Richard Cheney. In support of Representative John
Conyer's hearing to be held on Thursday, June 16, the Green Party of
Kansas City is joining its National Party in a call to the U.S. Congress
to introduce a Resolution of Inquiry, requiring the House Judiciary
Committee to hold formal investigations with the power of subpoena.
This would be the first step in determining whether the president and
vice president of the United States have committed impeachable offenses.

The Downing Street Memo and other leaked documents, verified as
authentic by the British goverment, strongly suggest that the invasion
of Iraq wasn't the "last resort" but was Bush's intent as early as
April, 2002. These documents have exposed lies, distortions, and the
convoluted morals used by the Bush Administration to justify the
invasion of Iraq. They futhre expose the faillure of the Administration
to plan for the lengthy occupation which has been so devastating to the
American military and the Iraqi people, and has mired us in a horrible
situation from which the American military has conceded there is no
military solution. 

"This memo has confirmed what many of us in the peace movement knew all
along - that this war was illegal, immoral, and unnecessary. George
Bush must be held accountable for the deaths of over 1700 American
service men and women, the many more wounded and maimed, the deaths of
tens of thousands Iraqis, and the squandering of our resources and our
reputation." Said Dee Berry, co-coordinator of the state Green Party,
the Progressive Party of Missouri.

"We believe the mainstream media in the US and Kansas City have been
ignoring the implications of these memos. The people in this country
must be informed of what the Bush administration was doing behind closed
doors while it was preaching peace and international cooperation. Now
the media have a wonderful opportunity to rectify their negligence by
bringing these memos to the attention of the American people," said Ben
Kjelshus a long time green and peace activist in Kansas City.

The Green Party of Kansas City is a a local chapter of the Green Party
of the United States, founded on the values of ecological wisdom, social
justice, nonviolence, and grassroots democracy. -END-


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      THE GREEN PARTY OF CONNECTICUT is the third largest political party in CT. The Greens are also the third largest political party in the US, with 220 Greens officeholders in 27 states. Over 80 countries in world have Green Parties. Wangari Maathai, the 2004 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is Kenya's assistant minister for environment and an elected Green Party member.
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