{news} minutes of Feb 2005 SCC meeting(quorumless),part 2 of 3

edubrule edubrule at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 3 22:30:41 EST 2005

since the two remaining Process Committee members are male and at no time may all three members of the PC be of the same gender.  See Appendix 2.


Office Committee report:  Kelly presented the report in Appendix 3.  As noted in the report, the next meeting of the Office Committee will be on Saturday, March 12, at 10 am in the Hartford office.  The report is incomplete in the sense that the committee is waiting for information (for example, information from insurance agents).   The report states that "several options will be presented" by the final report of the Office Committee "for a vote by Chapter Reps at the March 29, 2005, SCC meeting".


Secretary's note "A":  in case of technical problems viewing the figures at the end of the Office Committee report, here are descriptions of these figures.  These descriptions were written by the secretary.


(1) The first figure, "2004 Total Cash Expenditures", is a pie chart.  76% of the 2004 total cash expenditures were office expenses (without the general liability insurance policy).  The remaining 24% were other expenses.


(2) The second figure, "2004 Total Cash Expenditures", is another pie chart.  90% of the 2004 total cash expenditures were office expenditures (with the general liability insurance policy).  The remaining 10% were other expenses.


(3) The third figure, "2005 Estimated Monthly Expenses", is a third pie chart.  70% of the estimated average monthly expenses are office expenses.  The remaining 30% are other expenses.


(4) The fourth figure is "CTGP Chapter Balances, 1/2005".  It presents figures comparable to those presented in the treasurer's report above.


(5) The fifth figure is "Insurance Options Cost Evaluation".   It is a graph.  The y-axis (vertical axis) contains Estimated Cost.  The x-axis (horizontal axis) contains number of events.  It gives a graphical display of the information contained in Section E of the Office Committee Report.  It plots the figures contained in Section E ($1,100, $1,270, etc.)  It also gives the cost of the three insurance options with no events per year:  $0 for event-by-event insurance policy;  $830 for General Office Policy (no office expenses);  $4,502 for General Office Policy with office expenses.


Secretary's note "B":  the fundraising plan referred to in the report is as follows [e-mail from Tom Sevigny to Bob Eaton 8/13/04;  very similar plan in minutes of August 2004 SCC minutes]:


1. Fundraising letters

a.  Four a year (March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st)


b. Three of these mailings will be to a select group of people (i.e. individuals who have given money over the last year, individuals who voted in the last internal election, etc.) 


c. One mailing will be to the entire state mailing list.


2. Phone solicitations

a. Shall be conducted one month after mailings are sent.  Phone calls made to those who did not respond.


3. Events

a. At least four a year with prominent speaker

4.  100 for 100 sustainer program.

a.  All fundraising appeals (letters, phone, events) shall
emphasize the 100 for 100 program.  The goal of this
program is to get 100 people to give $100 a year through
their credit cards or automatic checking.  Sustainers can
give one lump sum or in monthly installments as low as
$8.00 a month.

5.  Merchandising

a.  When financially able, the party shall promote a full line
of merchandise (pins, bumperstickers, t-shirts, hats, etc.)


     If you have serious disagreements with the accuracy of anything written in these minutes, please contact the secretary, Ed DuBrule, at edubrule at sbcglobal.net or 860-523-4016.  If your e-mail or letter is titled "I remember things happened differently" or "I remember that this also occurred", I will treat your e-mail or letter (or a summary of it) as an addendum to these minutes.  Such e-mails or letters must be received within 4 weeks of the date of publication of the minutes to the News listserve to be considered addenda.

     Addenda are published to the News listserve and are considered part of the minutes.  They are brought to the following month's SCC meeting (for distribution at the time the minutes are approved/disapproved);  they are posted to the CT Green Party website as part of the minutes.


Appendix 1.  Internal elections proposal.


   Green Party Meeting Proposal Form

PRESENTER :  internal elections committee

CONTACT:  Jean de Smet, 39 Davis St. Willimantic CT 06226, 860-456-2188, JeandeSmet at galaxyinternet.net

SUBJECT:  funding appropriation for 2005 internal elections/annual meeting

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : annually the CTGP holds internal elections and an annual meeting

(1) A full ballot package will be sent to those Greens who voted in the 2004 internal elections, either by mail or at the annual meeting, including those whose ballots were received too late to be counted.  This totals 177 people.

(2) Other CTGP members may be sent a full ballot, depending on funds available.  Pledges will be solicited to send full ballots to as many people as possible.  Full ballot mailings will sent in the following order, as funds permit: Greens who registered within the past year; then to all registered Greens; then to all other members.   The deadline for fundraising is February 6th.   All other CTGP members will be sent a postcard.  


(3) The full ballot package will contain up to 12 sides (6 pages) (may vary depending on the number of candidates) and (optionally) a return envelope.

Side 1:   ballot (printed in green ink)
Side 2:   page inviting people to the annual meeting and explaining the voting process (on the back of the ballot)
Sides 3-8:  candidate statements (last year this was 6 single-sided pages)
Side 9:   information about CTGP/donation request

Side 10:  donation form

Side 11:  contact information about CTGP (one side)

Side 12:  description of Annual Meeting (one side)

(4) The postcard will contain:

**phone number and e-mail address for obtaining a ballot package by mail
**date/time/place of annual meeting and candidate forum(s)
**additional information on the CTGP as space allows

(5) Cost estimates:  One estimate (based on figures provided by Gulemo Printing, Willimantic) is:

$357  Printing/addressing 2800 small (5 1/2" x 4 1/4") postcards

 300   Printing/stuffing/addressing 200 full ballot packages

 560   Postage for 2800 postcards ($0.20 x 2800 postcards)

   74   Postage for 200 full ballot packages ($0.37 x 200) (two hundred may not be enough for bulk mail)

   75   Room rental (possibly Greater New Haven Labor Council, 267 Chapel St.)


$1,366   total


E-mail from Gulemo Printing:

Hi Jean,

     I will be assuming the 12 sides look the same as last time. First let me tell you that we can not be sure about the postage, That depends on the address list. Our best guess is about 20 cents per postcard & about 22 cents per letter. 200 letters (option 1) might not work to bulk mail. They might have to go first class.

     Postcards come in different sizes. I will give you 2 samples. Prices are including printing, stuffing addressing & mailing. Postage is NOT included.


Option 1

2800 Postcards size 8 ½" x 5 ½" = $501.00, size 5 ½" x 4 ¼" = $357.00

200 Full mailings = $300.00

(Totals $801.00 and $657.00, respectively)


Option 2

2000 postcards size 8 ½"x 5 ½" = $381.00, size 5 ½" x 4 ¼" = $272.00

1000 full mailings = $1000.00

(Totals $1,381.00 and $1,272.00, respectively)


Option 3

3000 full mailings = $2600.00


Appendix 2  Excerpt from Conflict Resolution Process, revised after 1 year's experience.


[NOTE: explanatory notes between brackets and in italics were not approved by the SCC and are not part of the Resolution Process, but reflect comments made at the April 2003 SCC meeting when the Resolution Process was adopted; recommended additions are in bold print; recommended deletions are in bold print between brackets.]  

RESOLUTION PROCESS STRUCTURE.  The Resolution Process is a two-step process involving a standing (elected) Process Committee and ad hoc Resolution Committees appointed to dispose of each complaint.  The Resolution Process functions are in order of importance:   1) fact-finding, 2) education, 3) mediation and reconciliation, and 4) corrective action.  

The Process Committee (PC) [prosecutor/grand jury function] consists of three people from different chapters who were nominated and elected by the SCC immediately after the SCC approved the Resolution Process. [The three people nominated and elected unanimously were David Adams, Rachel Goodkind and Lynah Linwood] These three people will serve until the SCC has reviewed, ratified or amended the Resolution Process, as described in the final paragraph below, in approximately one year. Upon ratification or amendment of the Process, three people will be elected immediately to serve for one year, two years and three years, respectively. After these initial terms, PC members will be elected to serve three-year terms, and no person may serve on the PC for more than six years under any circumstances. In nominating people to serve on the PC, the SCC will consider the Party's respect for diversity. At no time may all three members of the PC be of the same gender. [Key Values 7 & 8]

The Resolution Committee (RC) ...


Appendix 3

CT Green Party SCC - Office Committee Report - 2/22/05
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