{news} Fundraising Letter

Ehscouts at aol.com Ehscouts at aol.com
Wed May 4 18:45:39 EDT 2005

Miguel Angel Nieves for Mayor of New  Britain 

Dear Nieves  Friend, 
Although you wouldn’t know it by watching  television news, elections are 
battlegrounds of ideas.  Elections are how a free people make  choices about 
their future.   
I’m proud to be a part of the process of  self-government and proud to be a 
Mayoral Candidate.  And I’d be proud to have your  support. 
My message is clear -- a positive, forward  looking conservative vision of 
New Britain.  A New Britain of hope and opportunity,  limited government, family 
values and safety for all our  citizens. 
Can we reform welfare and halt the endless  cycle of poverty?  Can we toughen 
 our laws to give police officers the upper hand in the war against crime?  
And can we stop the runaway spending in  the City Hall before it bankrupts our 
If we don't stop the madness soon, our  children and our grandchildren will 
be forced to pay the price for our  failures.  If changes aren't made,  the 
things we take for granted -- home ownership, good jobs, safe streets, fair  
taxes, our high quality of life, and the American dream -- will become only a  
memory for the next generation. 
I can't sit by and let the City Hall  status-quo politicians continue to 
arrange the deck chairs on the sinking ship  of our city.  That's why I am  
running for Mayor. 
Why me?  Because I can win in November.  Because I’ve got a proven track 
record  of helping small business, creating jobs, and standing up for conservative 
 principles.  Because I will work  hard to win...I’ll rise with the chickens 
and campaign till late into the  night.  As long as it’s honest and  ethical, I
’ll do what it takes.  
Another reason I'm running is that I think  we don't need a professional 
politician representing us in the City Hall.   I've worked in the private sector  
for most of my life.  I've paid a  lot of taxes here in New Britain.  I  
understand the problems people face here because I face them  too. 
The professional politicians will never understand  us and the challenges we 
face. But when all is said and done, I'm running  because I have to.  The 
people of  New Britain deserves leadership that reflects our values and our  
principles.  I will fight for us in  the City Hall, not for the special interests. 
So I am asking you today to sign on to my  campaign with your pocketbook.  If 
you can, please send my campaign -- I should say OUR campaign -- a  
Frankly, I can't win without your help.  Your donation of $15, $25, $50 or 
even  $100 the helps get our campaign into high gear and keep it there.  Your 
dollars will pay for signs, bumper  stickers, flyers, brochures and the other 
things our campaign  needs. 
Time is of the essence.  The election is just a few short months  away.  So 
in addition to your money,  I need your vote on November 8th. 
With your help we will raise the money we  need to achieve success.  With 
your  help we will begin the process of making this city of New Britain one of 
the  best places to live and raise a family in America.  With your help, we will 
Thanks for your  consideration. 
Miguel Angel  Nieves 
P.S. Your contribution to my campaign is an  investment in good government 
that will pay dividends for your children and  grandchildren.  Please send what 
you  can today, and please give me your vote on November 8th.  Thanks. 
Paid by: Nieves for Mayor campaign, Annette  Alicea-Treasurer
Immediate Contribution  Reply 
To Miguel Angel Nieves for  Mayor 
Subject:  Raising money for signs, bumper  stickers, flyers, brochures and 
the other things our campaign needs to  win. 
From:  ___________________________
Dear  Miguel, 
You can count on me to do my part to help raise $_______ to help buy  signs, 
bumper sticker, flyers, brochures and the other things our campaign needs  to 
win.  I am rushing you my best  contribution in the amount of: 
c  $15            c  $25            c  $50            c  $100 
c  other amount $_______ 
Please write your contribution check to:  Nieves for Mayor  Campaign. 
Your e-mail address  ___________________________________ 
(If you would like to receive breaking  developments in the Mayoral race.) 
Nieves for Mayor campaign
Annette Alicea, Treas.
55 Brittany Farms Road  #314 
New Britain CT.  06053 

Miguel Angel  Nieves
New Britain Mayoral Candidate
New Britain Green Party Co-Chairman  

_www.nieves.politicalgateway.com_ (http://www.nieves.politicalgateway.com/) 
Tel:  (860) 832-8141

Paid by Nieves for Mayor Campaign, Annette Alicea  -Treasurer
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