{news} Visit with German Green on Tues. 11/29 7:30pm

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Thu Nov 17 20:39:53 EST 2005

Dear NH/CT Greens:  First, I apologize that this may conflict with the State Party monthly meeting, but this was the only evening he was available before he leaves Yale on Dec. 11 (and I only learned that he was here last Sunday at church).

My wife Allie Perry and I, Dan and Carol Wade, and other members of the Shalom United Church of Christ are hosting this after-dinner discussion at my house at 7:30 p.m. on Tues. Nov. 29 with Sascha Müller-Kraenner, whose bio is cut and pasted below.   He is currently a World Fellow at Yale.

Charlie Pillsbury
247 Saint Ronan Street
New Haven CT 06511
chapillsbury at igc.org

Sascha Müller-Kraenner - Germany, 42

As the Director for Europe and North America at the Henrich Böll Foundation, Sascha Müller-Kraenner develops strategies relating to international policy, activism, and civil society. Affiliated with Germany's Green Party, the Böll Foundation administers public education programs in approximately 50 countries worldwide through collaboration with an international network of political leaders, think-tanks, and NGOs. 

Müller-Kraenner, 42, founded and directed the Washington, D.C. office of the Böll Foundation, where he worked closely with both the Clinton and Bush administrations, and initiated critical dialogues among German and American leaders. Müller-Kraenner is also a co-founder and senior adviser to Ecologic, a non-profit center for international and European environmental policy located in Berlin. Müller-Kraenner continues to work in the policy field, focusing on such key issues as environmental security in the wake of global change, the rise of crime and terrorism in failing states, and the proper role of the European Union in managing these problems.
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