{news} 8-30-05 SCC minutes of GPCT: quorum met; approved

B Barry roseberry3 at cox.net
Sat Oct 29 17:29:53 EDT 2005

Minutes of SCC Meeting Of 8/30/05: quorum reached; approved

Middletown Public Library, Hubbard Room

Middletown, CT



Facilitator: Tim McKee (Tolland chapter)


Attending per sign-in sheet: Mike DeRosa (Greater Hartford), Barbara Barry
(Greater Hartford);  Justine McCabe (Western); Judy Herkimer (Northwest),
Kim Herkimer (Northwest); Tim McKee (Tolland); Paul Bassler (Fairfield);
Miguel Nieves (New Britain); Chris Nelson (New London); Aaron Gustafson
(Hamden), Kelly McCarthy (Hamden),  Quorum reached.



1.	Ground Rules accepted.


2.	Additional items to agenda:

      Mike DeRosa adds item to agenda about need for letter to be sent to
Sec. of State for each new candidate.

            Justine McCabe GPAX addition (candidate) to DC anti-war rally.


3.	Approval of last 3 months of minutes: 5-31-05, 6-26-05 & 7-26-05.
Approved since they were all non-quorum meetings.  Marked as unofficial but
approved minutes for non-quorum meetings by consensus. 


4.	Treasurer’s report (Judy Herkimer):  Monthly contributions continue
through credit card donations. John Amarillo’s campaign gave money that they
did not spend back to the state PAC.  Toll free number for GPCT rings at Tom
Sevigny’s house and he is keeping a log for that number.  Reimbursement was
given to Chris Reilly for past expenses.  Monthly charge for credit card
processing is $35.  Chapter balances/other information was circulated by
Treasurer at meeting.  Aaron : Does money have to come back to State PAC?
Judy:  “That money has to go somewhere, so it needs to go back to state
PAC”.   Barbara/Aaron/Kelly: it does not have to go, only, to the State PAC.
It can go to any charity or non-profit organization.  Judy: When passing the
hat for donations, any $15 or more in cash: must have the person’s full name
and address.



        1. Chapter Reports:

Greater Hartford: Have had progressive movie nights. We have shown the
Nuclear Café, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, and 9/11 In Plane Site.
We are opening up an Info Center (Lending Library) at the Greater Hartford
Green Party Office that will be staffed on a daily basis by young people
from Hartford.  We are also running David Ionno for a place on the Hartford
School Board.


Western: We are continuing to research tabling items for our proposal. We
are working on the Bill C. Davis campaign (Congress) and Tom Sevigny
campaign (Finance committee in Canton).


Northwest: We were invited back to the New Milford Fair that gave us a hard
time last year. We also supported the Green Dialogue. We also got some media
coverage in the local papers. 


Hamden: We had our Launch Party for Kelly McCarthy’s run for Town Council
recently.  We got a lot of press and we have decided to endorse the Mayor,
who is opposed by many of his own Democrats.  If he loses the primary we
would  probably put him on the Green Party line for the general election.


Fairfield: David Bedell is running for Constable; Derek Spiro is running for
Mayor in Stamford, Trish Dyane is running for board of ED.  We had a
petition campaign to get our candidates on the ballot.  We had some trouble
collection signatures at a summer arts festival.  They tried to stop us from
collecting signatures after they closed off the streets. It is still public
property.  They asked us to leave but we refused.  They called the police
and we told them that we thought we had the right to collect signatures
there.  They finally backed down and we continued to collected signatures.


New London: We have three candidates. Two for city council and one for Board
of Ed.  Raised $2000 so far.  Increased interest on the part of the
Republicans to cross endorse our candidates. But we decided not to do it.

The cable access show has been going on for about a year now. 


New Britain: We are running Miguel Nieves for Mayor of New Britain. Sept 8th
Miguel will have his first debate on senior issues.  In October,  he will
have his 2nd debate about child development.  And there will be a third
debate also.  Miguel has had two home fund raising parties.  



Judy Herkimer said that “at the last EC Meeting we discussed taping of the
meetings.”  Judy said that “Barbara and Mike agreed not to tape” until such
time that we decide what to do with the  tapes.  She objected to the taping
of the meeting for the purpose of notes for the Secretary’s use.   Mike
DeRosa disputed that he or Barbara had agreed to stop taping and Mike said
“and it is on the tape” (of the EC meeting) that we had not agreed to stop
taping our meeting . Mike said “if you want a copy of the tape of the EC
meeting you can check it out”.  Barbara also agreed with this assessment of
what happened at the EC meeting. Kelly McCarthy said she could not recall
(what Judy stated)taking place but does remember that Judy was to do a
proposal. Judy asked if Michael would do the proposal. Michael advised that
since this was a concern that Judy brought forward then he advised he was
willing to review any proposal brought forth.  Kelly: It has pretty much
been established  from long ago that we could tape.  Justine McCabe, the
facilitator at the EC meeting, had a recollection that Judy was correct in
her assertion.  Mike said “that he is open to any proposal for the storage
of tapes, and the recording is purely a question of accurate notes being
provided to you by the Secretary. None of these tapes is given out to
anybody, I don’t understand what the problem is”.  Mike said that the
discussion we are having “is precisely why we need to tape meetings”.
Barbara added that taping of meetings for the Secretary’s use was authorized
through the passage of proposal in August 2003.  Aaron said he “would be
fine remanding these tapes to the Media Center/Library that is being created
at the Greater Hartford Green Party office.”   Barbara said that at the last
EC meeting, a proposal about this matter was discussed about the prior
meeting tapes, where is our (GPCT) donated tape recorder, and other related
issues. But a proposal has not been forthcoming. Barbara said: We need to
respect our established process which allows for accuracy and respect for
diversity of opinions.


The facilitator said after this discussion “that I am in a difficult
position because this discussion is not on the agenda”.  He asked if no one
had any objections if we could move on.   By consensus it was agreed to move
to the next item on the agenda.


2. Green Party of United States report by Tim McKee, GPCT representative:

National Meeting in Tulsa, OK: some people were elected but there remained
an open seat i.e. should Tom Sevigny, of CT be elected to that open national
co-chair position?  This has not yet been resolved.  There are supposed to
be 6 co-chairs for the party.   Michael: need better communication to/from
state and national levels.  We need to know what proposals are being
proposed in the name of GPCT to the national.  Mike is getting e-mails about
what is being presented in GPCT name to the national party, and these people
are asking for his feedback as a co-chair of GPCT.  Mike said: “ I do not
know what to say since I have no knowledge of these proposals ,and do not
have an opinion one way or the other”.      Can these proposals be put on
the listserv or something? Tim: can do that on a weekly basis, especially
proposals.  Judy: most of National Listservs, you can join: one is for
voting and one is for discussion or media listserv. Mike: it will be good
for informational purposes  to put things on listserv but if  a proposal is
done by our reps in their name or in GPCT, we as the GPCT need to be aware
of it.  Kelly: e.g. Tom presented a proposal in our name without anyone,
e.g. officers, being aware of it.  Judy:  we need to hear from him (Tom
Sevigny). The decision he made, I cannot imagine anyone in the state not
completely agreeing with him. Because it completely benefited the CT Green
Party and it’s members.   


3.	Women’s Caucus report by Justine McCabe: met 2 Saturdays ago. Had
Judy Woodgreen from National Women’s visiting and spoke about what is
happening on the national level.  Worked on modified consensus to do a
training.  Looking for trainers to do training just after the election
(11-05).  Mike: are you looking to train new people or old (i.e.
experienced) people?  Justine: only have a couple of people trained.   We
need a kind of official trainers to train people. So any Green Party person
is where we will start.  Mike: we have a couple of people in Hartford who
are eager to start, so keep us in mind.   Barbara: which modified consensus
will be used?  There are various modified consensus processes out there, not
just in the Green Party. But there is little or no written information about
any of them.  Justin: Lynn Serpe is a good trainer. There are 2 or 3 people
whom Lynn mentioned might be good. Justine: will follow the modified
concensus,the one that has been passed out here at the Green Party . 


4.	V.O.T.E.R. report by Michael DeRosa: voter verified paper trail
(bill) has been passed and signed (by the governor).  It is law. Is most
comprehensive voter verified paper trail in the country and the best
auditing trail in the country.  


5.	Legistative report by Michael DeRosa: following campaign finance
reform issues and have been in touch with CCAG.  Anybody interesting with
working on this please see me after the meeting. 
6.	6-13-05 and 7-11-05 EC meeting minutes: deferred to next SCC meeting
by  consensus due to time constraints.


D.	Proposal:

1.	EC proposal: What: Have voting members sign-in on sheet at each SCC
meeting.  Goal: to assist the Secretary with the count of voters, if votes
are taken during the SCC meeting.   Judy: can this sign-in sheet in the
minutes and can there be put on the Website? Aaron: sure. As long as Barbara
provides me with the information.  Passed by consensus.


7.	GPAX report by Justine McCabe: 2nd annual Antiwar Movement will be
On Saturday, 11-5-05 at CCSU.  $100 donation from GPCT was suggested: passed
by consensus.  GPAX will interact with 2 other groups. Consensus to continue
with working with the groups as GPCT has supported in the past.


8.	Judy, treasurer,  has asked for a formal  written quote from
Shoreline Chapter for the monies needed for their Shoreline Proposal. 


       9.  Michael: called Pearl  Williams, at Secretary of State’s office
re: new procedure for the candidates to do:  Pearl Williams affirmed that
each new candidate must have the 2 designated people, on the back of the
Party Designation form,  send a letter to the Secretary of State, endorsing
the candidate in question.  This must be done by August 12, 2005.   Kelly
reaffirmed this.  Both of the designees must sign the endorsing letter.





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