{news} United States warships turn towards Venezuela as US military takes control of Hurricane devastated regions; Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Frias vows '100-year war'

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 5 16:28:42 EDT 2005

Breaking News
 Published: Monday, September 05, 2005
Bylined to: Sorcha Faal

United States warships turn towards Venezuela as US military takes control 
of Hurricane devastated regions; Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Frias vows 
'100-year war'

Russian journalist Sorcha Faal writes: Russian Military Analysts are 
reporting today that a 'significant' portion of the US Navy Armada that had 
been heading towards their country's devastated southern regions have turned 
towards South America.

Reports state a planned Invasion of Venezuela to overthrow its President and 
reassert 'control' over Venezuela's vast oil reserves.

The Venezuelan President having been notified of this most troubling 
development has ordered his military forces to be on top alert and has 
'vowed' a 100-year war against the military leaders of the United States..

As reported by the Miami Herald News Service in an article entitled "Chavez: 
US, NATO planning an attack": "Venezuela has uncovered plans for a NATO 
US-led invasion and is preparing to defend the country against invading 
forces if necessary, President Hugo Chavez said ''we discovered, through 
intelligence work, a military exercise that NATO has for an invasion against 
Venezuela ... and we are preparing ourselves for that invasion.''

Chavez was quoted as saying late Friday night that the military exercise 
known as ''Plan Balboa',' includes rehearsing simultaneous assaults by air, 
sea and land at a military base in Spain, involving troops from the United 
States and NATO countries.

US officials in the past have said such training is meant to prepare troops 
for general scenarios but not for a specific military action.

''If it occurs to the United States to invade our country ... Fidel Castro 
said it and I agree ... a war will start here to last 100 years,'' Chavez 
added. "Not only this country would be burned up, but a good part of this 
continent; they shouldn't make any mistake about it; we are preparing to 
repel an invasion.''

Prior to the cataclysmic Hurricane Katrina that hit the southern regions of 
the United States last week, US military leaders had been preparing for the 
invasion by the stationing one of their feared Carrier Strike Forces off the 
shores of Venezuela.  As reported by China's Xinhua News Service "US 
aircraft carrier docked nearby poses no threat: Venezuela" it says "a US 
aircraft carrier with 1,500 marines on board which docked last Friday in the 
island of Curacao, north of Venezuela, did not pose a threat to the country, 
Defense Minister Orlando Maniglia said Monday. Venezuelan President Hugo 
Chavez termed the presence in March of a US aircraft carrier in Curacao as 
an "act of provocation" but United StatesAmbassador to  Venezuela William 
Brownfield later said the tension only was generated by a "lack of 

Reports further state that the magnitude of the devastation in the United 
States is 'unprecedented' with over 10 million of their citizens lives 
directly affected by the wrath of Hurricane Katrina.  United Press 
International News Service in an article "Some 10 million felt Hurricane 
Katrina" says, "almost 10 million people living in Alabama, Louisiana and 
Mississippi experienced hurricane force winds as Katrina crashed into the 
Gulf Coast this week. The US Census Bureau reported that in the three states 
hardest hit by the storm, about 4.9 million people ... or about 41% of the 
population ... live in coastal areas. About 3.2 million people lived within 
the imminent or occurring flood area ... with 1.7 million in southeast 
Louisiana; 940,000 in southern Mississippi; and 420,000 in southwest 

Russian Intelligence analysts further report that the foreign mercenary 
troops under the command of NORTHCOM have been sent into those areas most 
affected and that the American citizens and refugees can expect 'nothing 
short of brutal' treatment as these soldiers do not know .... nor do they 
care ... for the rights or freedoms of these people.

To the many warnings of these events many around the world have tried to 
warn Americans, but they still do not comprehend the monstrous totality of 
what lies in store for them.  As we previously tried to warn in our August 
22 report titled "United States Positions Tens of Thousands of Foreign 
Troops Throughout America, Cancels All Military Leaves and Ousts Another Top 
General," our August 25 report titled "United States Warns Foreign 
Governments of 'Impending' Internal Crises While Massive American Troop 
Movements Continue" and our August 26 report titled "The Camps of ICE, 
Americas Road to Fascist Rule Nears Completion as US Government Accelerates 
Building of Concentration Camps."

Like the German people living under the brutal Nazi regime of last century, 
it is incomprehensible for these American people to believe that their 
government is capable of the barbarity they are currently unleashing upon 
the entire World, but also like the German people they cannot deny that 
their once great country has been turned into a Police State, and with the 
events currently occurring in their country, a Police State under military 

To the expansion of the Americans Global War for oil today marks yet another 
milestone in how far these once mighty people have fallen. Even sadder is 
that as they continue their descent into 'hell' there remains no good 
citizens left among them able to see through the hypocrisy and lies of their 
Military Leaders and the propaganda media organs that support them.

Today, the Torch of Liberty ... which once shown bright for the entire world 
to see ... is now all but extinguished. Today the darkness of fascist 
military rule rolls across the once great land of America, which had never 
been a nation alone, but had instead been a 'vision' of its founders 
dedicated to the proposition that all men should be free.

Today that vision today lies broken and shattered upon the streets of New 

Sorcha Faal

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