{news} (AP) Senate campaign could be a 4 way race (CT)

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 10 15:55:51 EDT 2006

  Senate campaign could be a 4-way race             Associated Press

August 10, 2006

HARTFORD, Conn. -- The Connecticut U.S. Senate race could become a four-way fight with the Green Party saying it has submitted enough signatures to place a candidate on the ballot in November.

Ned Lamont is the Democratic candidate after beating Sen. Joe Lieberman in the party's primary Tuesday. Lieberman is mounting an independent campaign and Alan Schlesinger is the Republican candidate.

The Green Party of Connecticut submitted 13,000 signatures Wednesday on behalf of Ralph Ferrucci, the party's candidate for the U.S. Senate.

They needed 7,500, but party leaders said in a statement that they wanted "a buffer for any errors in petitions."

Ferrucci said his campaign launches officially at a fundraiser Friday night in New Haven.

The Connecticut Green Party describes itself on its Web site as being committed to grass roots democracy, social justice, nonviolence and ecological wisdom.


Information from: New Haven Register, http://www.ctcentral.com

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