{news} Green Party of Washington State Resolution Regarding the transgendered Controversy with NWC

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 19:49:56 EDT 2006

This is an ongoing controversy on the National Green level. A transgendered woman ( a man who became a woman) wanted to join the Women's Caucus and has been delayed almost two years from joining. 
  Tim McKee
Subject: [usgp-coo] Green Party of Washington State Resolution Regarding the Controversy with NWC

This resolution was just passed by the State Coordinating Council of the 
Green Party of Washington State. I fully endorse this resolution as a 
delegate of my state party to the GNC:


Resolution from the Green Party of Washington State Coordinating Council
to the National Women’s Caucus of the Green Party of the United States
calling on the NWC to admit transgendered women

Whereas the Green Party has endeavored to be a party that welcomes the 
underserved and underrepresented;

And whereas, the Green Party has become the party that welcomes the 
participation of Arab and Moslem Americans, as first-class citizens and 
party members, by being the party that stands up to acts of aggression in 
the Middle East;

And whereas, the Green Party has become the party that welcomes the 
participation of lesbian, bisexual, and gay Americans, as first-class 
citizens and party members, through the creation and accreditation of the 
Lavender Caucus, and support for the rights of lesbian, bisexual, and gay 

And whereas, the Green Party can become the party that welcomes 
transgendered Americans, as first-class citizens and party members, by 
accepting them for who they are, and treating them with dignity and respect 
within the party;

Therefore be it resolved, that the Coordinating Council of the Green Party 
of Washington State hereby calls upon the National Women’s Caucus of the 
Green Party of the United States to immediately start accepting all 
transgendered women in the party as equal members of the National Women’s 

Be it further resolved, that the CC of GPoWS calls upon the NWC to 
immediately accept the membership application of Stephanie Loveless, who was properly vetted for membership in the NWC by the Green Party of Michigan 21 months ago;

And be it further resolved that the GPoWS CC suggests, in the spirit of 
camaraderie, to the NWC, that the NWC consider changing its name to the 
“National Caucus for All Green Women,” thus demonstrating to the world that 
the Green Party is serious about being a welcoming space for transgendered 

Jody Haug, Chair
Janet Jordan, Secretary
Maryrose Asher, Deputy Treasurer
Brent White, Vice Chair
Trey Smith, Treasurer


Mike Gillis
Green Party of Washington State

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    Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282 Cliff Thornton for Governor- Campaign Manager-
    National Committee Member of the Green Party(Connecticut)

  Paid for by Thornton For Governor ,Donna Byrne-McKee, treasurer-   www.VoteThornton.com
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