{news} Fw: 3,000 dead: vigil in New Haven New Year's Day

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Sun Dec 31 15:06:36 EST 2006

3,000See below for more info about other vigils planned for tomorrow.

From: John Shanley <johnshanley at sbcglobal.net>


Sadly, the death toll for our troops in Iraq has reached 3,000. 


Tomorrow, Monday at 1:00 PM, we will commence reading the names of the Americans who have died in this war, as well as a representative number of Iraqi victims. 


This should conclude at approximately 4 PM, at which time we will have a silent candlelight vigil, followed by a procession around the Green.

Both of these events will take place at the central flagpole on the New Haven Green. 

It's supposed to be warm with a chance of showers in the afternoon. Ideally, it would be nice to have everyone there for the duration of the reading of the names, with all of us bearing witness to this unnecessary loss.


I recognize that not everyone will want or be able to be out there for three hours, so those of you that would like to take part in one of the three hours should let me know, and I will make sure that there is a spot for you in that hour.

The three periods will be 1 to 2 PM, 2 to 3 PM and 3 to 4 PM. As I said, if you pick one of these periods and let me know, I will make sure that you have a spot during that period.

I will make every effort to include as many people as possible in the reading.

If you contact me (johnshanley at sbcglobal.net or 203-288-5543 or 203-640-6743) and let me know which of the three hours you would like to read in (1 to 2 PM, 2 to 3 PM or 3 to 4 PM), it will make scheduling easier. Otherwise, just arrive and take a turn reading as openings come up. If this is too confusing, please give me a call.

Please bring friends, family and neighbors to stand in witness for this sad milestone.


There are now at least two vigils planned:

New Haven: 4 pm at the Veterans Memorial (flagpole) on the Green. There will also be a reading of the names of the U.S. - and a symbolic number of Iraqi - killed starting at 1:00 pm. 

West Hartford: Veterans War Memorial at 5 pm. 

Please, if you live elsewhere, create a local vigil - or find out if one of your neighbors has already done so - by going to http://www.afsc.org/3000/ 

"Mourn the dead - and fight like hell for the living."

Henry Lowendorf
Greater New Haven Peace Council
PO Box 3105
New Haven, CT  06515-0205
grnhpeacecouncil at sbcglobal.net


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