{news} DAY ONE at the National Greens meeting

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 28 19:39:56 EDT 2006

Greetings from Arizona!
  After a very rainy start, it was a nice 72 degrees and sunny in Tuscon!
  Our first full day began with many workshops on many issues. Cliff attended workshops on fundraising and campaigns.
  I attend ballot access meetings late Thursaday night and on Friday morning. I also attend a discuss about a Presidential campaign in 08.
  Did you know the Green's nationally previously pased a resolution for a Full OUT race in 2008? Whether its a home grown or national known figure the plan is for a flat out race in 2008. No safe state ideas, or bowing to any Democrat, hillary clinton or an anti-war liberal like Russ Feingold.
  If people want to dicsuss this the forum list serve would be a good place.
  Several press conferences were held and Cliff was the star at the state and local candidates. I hope to have this on a dvd or online soon..stay tuned.
  Most of the afternoon was spent on fundraising. Since the 2004 divide, we have lost lots of the base and money. Many of the delegates also think the anti-war efforts are also taking money from us. We are also thinking that the lack of a clear agenda  on a national level has hurt.
  many of the states are doing much better than many thought while some are slideing off the earth and aare floundering.
  Tonight more networking continues and a women in black vigil wil be held to protest the war.
  I will try to post a report tommorrow.
  Tim McKee 

  Paid for by Thornton For Governor ,Donna Byrne-McKee, treasurer-   www.VoteThornton.com
  email: info at votethornton.com
  Tim McKee NEW cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282 Cliff Thornton for Governor- Campaign Manager-
  National Committee member of the Green Party- Connecticut

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