{news} Centrist Third Party Effort launched

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 16:44:25 EDT 2006


JONATHAN ALTER, NEWSWEEK - To begin busting up
the dumb system we have for selecting presidents,
a bipartisan group will open shop this week at
Unity08.com. This Internet-based third party is
spearheaded by three veterans of the antique 1976
campaign: Democrats Hamilton Jordan and Gerald
Rafshoon helped get Jimmy Carter elected;
Republican Doug Bailey did media for Gerald Ford
before launching the political Tip Sheet Hotline.
They are joined by the independent former
governor of Maine, Angus King, and a collection
of idealistic young people who are also tired of
a nominating process that pulls the major party
candidates to the extremes. Their hope: to get
even a fraction of the 50 million who voted for
the next American Idol to nominate a third-party
candidate for president online and use this new
army to get him or her on the ballot in all 50
states. The idea is to go viral or die. . .

UNITY 08 - Unity 08 is a diverse group of
Americans that believe that neither of today's
parties reflects the aspirations, concerns or
will of the majority of Americans. Both parties
have polarized and alienated voters. Both are
unduly influenced by single-issue groups. Both
are excessively dominated by money. Unity 08 is
committed to presenting a third presidential
ticket and platform one that addresses the issues
and challenges of the 21st Century to the
American voters in 2008. We will not waste time
pointing fingers. Instead, we will focus on how
America can find common ground on critical issues
to give the overlooked majority in the middle a
voice and a choice in 2008.

Our three goals...

Goal One is the election of a UNITY TICKET for
President and Vice-President of the United States
in 2008  headed by a woman and/or man from each
major party or by an independent who presents a
unity team from both parties.

Goal Two is for the people themselves to pick
that unity ticket in early 2008  via a virtual
and secure online convention in which all
American voters will be qualified to vote.

Goal Three, our minimum goal, is to effect major
change and reform in the 2008 national elections
by influencing the major parties to adopt the
core features of our national agenda.  With a
group of voters who comprise at least 20% of the
national electorate, we feel confident that our
voters will decide the 2008 election.


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