{news} Nancy Burton's goat caravan in New Canaan Advertiser

David Bedell dbedellgreen at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 14 00:42:07 EST 2006

Green Attorney General candidate uses goats to make nuclear impact

Thu 11/09/06
by Rachel Kirkpatrick
New Canaan Advertiser

Some may have thought it was a Halloween prank while driving by Town Hall 
last Wednesday, but the goats, standing in a green trailer, were actually 
there to campaign with Green Party attorney general candidate Nancy Burton, 
who finished third of three candidates in Tuesday's election.

Between October 30 and November 3, the "Goat Caravan" made stops all across 
the state, including the front lawn of the State Capitol in Hartford, as 
part of an effort to raise awareness of the dangers posed by nuclear plants, 
specifically Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Waterford.

The three goats, a mother, Katie, and two babies, were adopted by the 
Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone in October of 2005 after their farm, 
five miles north of Millstone, was sold to a developer.

Katie's milk has tested positive for high levels of strontium-90, a 
radioactive byproduct from nuclear materials.

Ms. Burton was running in the hopes of shutting down Millstone, which she 
said is posing a serious threat to the environment and residents who live 
within 50 miles of the plant. This includes some residents of Long Island.

Katie now provides her milk for monitoring radiation from Millstone.

Ms. Burton said Gov. Jodi Rell, a breast cancer survivor, "fell back" on her 
pledge to fund a $25,000 grant for the Tooth Fairy Project. Through the 
project, teeth are collected from children who suffer from cancer to analyze 
the levels of strontium-90 in their bodies. Strontium-90 is said to cause 
bone cancer and leukemia.

According to the Web site radiation.org, women living within 100 miles of a 
nuclear reactor have the greatest risk of dying of breast cancer. Alec 
Baldwin is among the many that support the Tooth Fairy Project.

Lucy Lee Evans and Gail Merrill, both of New Canaan, as well as David 
Bedell, Green Party candidate for State Senate in the 36th District, were 
among the group that campaigned November 1.

Ms. Merrill is surviving non-genetic breast cancer. She lives 25 miles 
"downwind" from a nuclear reactor and lost her mother to breast cancer.

"It's not about the money and it's not to benefit us. It's about keeping 
people - children, safe," said Ms. Merrill.

Information on the Millstone Nuclear Power Station can be found at the 
Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone Web site, mothballmillstone.org, and 
at Ms. Burton's campaign site, voteburton.org.

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