{news} Fw: Comments from my Travels

clifford thornton efficacy at msn.com
Tue Oct 31 14:37:34 EST 2006

Thornton for Governor
PO Box 1971
Manchester, CT 06045
votethornton at yahoogroups.com<mailto:votethornton at yahoogroups.com>
860 657 8438-H
860 268 1294-C
860 778 1304-Tim Mckee-Campaign Manager
860 293 0222-Ken Krayeske-field Manager
Paid for by Thornton For Governor
Max H. Wentworth, Treasurer
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martha Kelly<mailto:martha_s_kelly at yahoo.com> 
To: Ken Krayeske<mailto:ken at votethornton.com> ; Clifford Thornton<mailto:efficacy at msn.com> ; Jean de Smet<mailto:jeandesmet at galaxyinternet.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:36 PM
Subject: Comments from my Travels

'Lo all,

I went to Mystic yesterday for a conference on housing, afffordable housing, homelessness, etc. There I met I met Rosemarie Lee, the Community Lender Liason of the Savings Institute Bank and Trust, 803 Main Street , Willimantic. She knows you and is a fan. Thinks third Thursdays are just great, told me how much it has grown lately.  I told her about your candidacy.   And she listened attentively to my war on drugs speech tie-in.  

On my way home I stopped in to see my friend Cecelia (who lives in the woods of Montville and is a universal health advocate). At the Norwich meeting (one hosted by the faith based guys)  she met a lady who volunteered the fact that "Cliff Thornton just makes a lot of sense."  This unknown Eastern CT woman stated that she was going to vote for you.

Hope all is well with you each.


ken krayeske <ken at votethornton.com> wrote:

  Voters Deserve To Hear From All Candidates

  October 29, 2006

  If you want to understand what brings on voter apathy, a small meeting 
  room just off the lobby at Central Connecticut State University's 
  student center is a good place to start.

  Clifford Thornton, Green Party candidate for governor, has come to talk 
  to members of the Progressive Student Alliance, an organization whose 
  members seek to expose students to new ways of looking at the issues. 
  The alliance's president, Wes Strong, a sociology major from East 
  Hampton, tried to attract all the candidates for an open forum, but to 
  no avail. But Thornton is here after a long day spent traversing around 
  the state.

  As it turns out, Thorton was free, even though the second and last 
  gubernatorial debate was going on.

  Save for one notable exception, Connecticut's political debates have 
  decidedly been for the two major parties - third-party candidates need 
  not apply. Even though four gubernatorial candidates met the secretary 
  of state's criteria for candidacy, only two were included in either of 
  the televised debates. Say what you want about the democratic process, 
  but it failed here. Only two candidates participated in what is arguably 
  the largest (and most accessible) forum available for voters. Come 
  Election Day, voters won't have the whole picture.

  Neither will voters in the state's overheated senatorial race. There, 
  only one of three debates included all five candidates. The others only 
  included three candidates - yet strangely, one of those, Joseph 
  Lieberman, is running as an independent whose presence in the debates 
  has never been questioned. (The two mostly missing U.S. Senate 
  candidates are Ralph A. Ferrucci of the Green Party and Timothy A. 
  Knibbs of the Concerned Citizens Party.)

  "But that's not fair," one student said at the CCSU meeting.

  It's not fair. Nor is it democratic (or republican). And we should be 
  ashamed of ourselves. We're proving to disaffected voters that democracy 
  is restricted to big-ticket participants with deep pockets. And the 
  people who broadcast the debates do so by borrowing the airwaves. Those 
  airwaves belong -- so says the Federal Communications Commission - to 
  the citizens. And the citizens deserve to see and hear everyone.

  This argument sounds downright "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"-esque, 
  doesn't it? But the fact is it's true.

  Yet here, during the debate, Thornton is leaned back in a plastic chair, 
  jacket open, ready to answer questions while he watches the television 
  mounted on the wall overhead. He put 700 miles on the car in the last 
  two days. Thornton is beat, and he said as much when he came into the 
  room and set a Wild Oats paper bag of campaign paraphernalia on the 
  table. When he asks Strong how many students to expect, he doesn't seem 
  disappointed with the answer - anywhere from 15 to 25.

  But compare that to the roughly 64,000 homes tuned in for the Oct. 18 
  gubernatorial debate, and you can see that the two major-party 
  candidates got so much more exposure than Thornton, or Joseph A. 
  Zdonczyk of Concerned Citizens, the other candidate for governor.

  To a small but rapt audience, Thornton quickly lays out the Green Party 
  platform: free college and enhanced mass transportation and a radically 
  different drug policy. Overhead, his party's first-ever television 
  commercial pops up (a protest to get Thornton into the debate), and the 
  candidate shakes his head. The ad was filmed outside the first debate. 
  He did not call for a protest at the second one.

  "I would be naïve if I placed all this on race and class," Thornton 
  said. "It's about ideas. My background is athletics. I played basketball 
  and baseball. I don't go into anything without looking to win. But I 
  have to be realistic. We are looking at building the Green Party."

  He had asked one journalist involved in the debate to ask the Republican 
  and Democratic candidates why all candidates weren't included. I bet him 
  a dollar the journalist (a respected reporter) would.

  But the reporter didn't. In the polished world of two-party politics, 
  going off-script would have been entirely too much to ask. And here is 
  where you lose so many would-be voters. If they think that the fix is in 
  and the game is locked, why ever would they want to get involved?

  Susan Campbell is at scampbell at courant.com<mailto:scampbell at courant.com> or 860-241-6454.



  Ken Krayeske

  Campaign Manager

  Thornton for Governor

  P.O. Box 1971

  Manchester, CT 06045



  *This message is paid for and approved by Thornton for Governor, Max 
  Wentworth, Treasurer*

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