{news} Nader in Washington, CT Sept. 7

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 2 21:49:00 EDT 2006

                home : news : news : top stories                              Impeachment Issue Receives National Media Attention 
                                By: Ann Compton   09/02/2006                          Email to a friendPost a CommentPrinter-friendly
    WASHINGTON - Be careful what you wish for. Several Washington residents who went on record at the June 15 Board of Selectmen meeting, the first skirmish on petitioning efforts of a local grass roots group for a special town meeting to discuss the impeachment of President George W. Bush, said the last thing they wanted was to see their little town on CNN or all over the news.   

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  On August 23, WFSB/Channel 3 aired interviews with First Selectman Richard Sears and town residents on the pros and cons of such a meeting, at 5:30 p.m. as its "Big Story" of the day.
  Coverage of the petition effort is now posted on the national website for impeachment information, www.afterdowningstreet.org.
  On September 7, national activist Ralph Nader will speak at the Gunn Memorial Library on "Political Failures and Injustices - Time for Accountability from Washington, D.C., to Connecticut."
  Mr. Nader will address the Washington, petitioning effort on impeachment in his talk.
  He will cover a variety of issues, including impeachment and the war, according to his representatives. He will also sign copies of his book, "The Good Fight." 
  In addition, Mr. Nader will give a copy of "Cruel and Unusual," by Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies at New York University, to those who purchase "The Good Fight."
  This book contains Professor Miller's views on the administration's mishandling of the constitution, its systems of checks and balances, and the nature and scope of executive authority.
  Mr. Nader's talk will be filmed by The Questioning Citizen, a one-hour cultural and public affairs cable television program produced by Ken Cornet and Joe Mustich, Washington residents and committee members of "We the People," the grassroots group organizing the petition movement.
  The show is celebrating its tenth anniversary on the public access cable channel. It premiered in September 1996 with a talk by Mr. Nader at the Hotchkiss School.
  Mr. Nader's talk will take place at 7 p.m. September 7 in the Wykeham Room at the Gunn Memorial Library. It is free and open to the public.
  Further information may be obtained from program committee volunteer Joe Mustich at 860-868-7355, or Christine Dyson at the library at 860-868-7586.   

    ©Voices 2006 
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