{news} Danbury NewsTimes. -Nader urges people yo take action

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 10 19:14:31 EDT 2006

Nader urges people to take action 
  By Nanci G. Hutson 
The News-TIMES{"Display quote bold"/} 
  WASHINGTON, Conn. -- He's run for president three times. He battled for automobile safety standards, and embraced efforts to ensure nonsmokers can breathe fresh air in public places. He has championed the need for nuclear energy and clean water. He is against the war in Iraq.   He believes political leaders need to answer to the citizenry and when they don't, ordinary people should rise up and "throw the rascals out.''   Most of all, nationally renowned citizen activist, consumer advocate, lawyer and author Ralph Nader believes in the power of a few to make a compelling difference for many.   All it takes, he declares, is a refusal to be ignored, and the will to push friends, neighbors and communities to make their voices heard above the political squawk from the nation's Capitol.   "It starts with conversations in small towns, with people wondering what is possible,'' the 72-year-old Winsted native told more than 125 people who gathered at Gunn Library this week for part
 of an ongoing writer's series.   Nader, who has authored several books, has released a new book titled "The Good Fight: Declare Your Independence and Close the Democracy Gap.''   Some of the proceeds from sales of the $25 book were to be given to the library, with the majority to be used for construction of a law museum Nader intends to build in his hometown.   Welcomed to Washington by some like-minded citizens who want to inspire public debate about impeaching President Bush, Nader praised the group -- they call themselves "We the People'' -- for pursuing their petition for the resolution despite town leaders' unwillingness to allow a town meeting to debate the issue.   Nader said it is those kinds of grassroots efforts that ensure that democracy thrives, and that political leaders are held accountable for their actions.   He implored supporters of the impeachment resolution not to lose heart and to keep up their efforts to raise public consciousness about a president he
 believes is the "most impeachable'' in this nation's history.   Nader sprinkled his talk with humorous catch phrases and anecdotes that captured the audience and inspired nods and applause.   Talking about how people hide behind excuses to explain their civic apathy, Nader said he has to shake his head when many seem to find it more important to watch yet another rerun of the television sitcom "Friends'' than to honor American soldiers who paid their lives for our freedoms.   Even those not yet old enough to vote were riveted by Nader's passion.   Sixteen-year-old Genevieve Mulvaney, a junior at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, said she shares Nader's belief that political activism is everyone's responsibility. She hopes she can share some of his insights with her friends, so they realize the importance of speaking up for what they believe and making informed political choices.   Nader generated the most laughs when he said his fantasy is that the passion of
 birdwatchers, who travel thousands of miles to catch the glimpse of a rare bird, could compel ordinary citizens to flock to Washington, D.C., to watch "the biggest bird of all.''   Southbury resident Lauri Bates said she came to Nader's talk not because she endorses his politics -- rabidly anti-Bush, he continually referred to the president as a "serial liar'' -- but because she admires his ability to push people to speak up. "He makes you think.''   Nader said the lesson many people forget is that some of the biggest movements in American history were started with a handful of people who decided that something wasn't right and chose to do something about it.   Poor farmers, young mothers, factory workers, even a tired black woman riding a city bus sparked changes that reverberate to this day, he said. In their frustration, these people found the motivation to stand up and make a difference.   "That's how it all starts,'' Nader said. 

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