{news} Bush's $15,000 Ct fundraiser

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 12:47:34 EDT 2006

President to visit Greenwich to raise funds                       Email this story
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      President to visit Greenwich to raise funds
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                  By Neil Vigdor
    Staff Writer
    Published September 20 2006
          GREENWICH -- President Bush may be playing it coy about whom he is supporting in Connecticut's Senate race, but he isn't holding anything back when it comes to raising money for state Republicans.
 The Connecticut native will return Monday to his father's Greenwich hometown for the third time during his presidency, headlining a $15,000 per couple GOP luncheon fundraiser at a private home in the Riverside section of Greenwich.
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    The White House confirmed Bush's visit yesterday but released few details about the event, which a spokesman said was private.
 State GOP Chairman George Gallo said the fundraiser will energize the party's faithful.
 "We're absolutely excited and ecstatic to have the president of the United States come to Connecticut to support the Republican Party and the Republican team," said Gallo, who is hoping to raise about $400,000 from 30 couples.
 Gallo said proceeds will support the party's effort this fall and its entire ticket, including U.S. Senate nominee Alan Schlesinger.
 "He's one of our candidates, so absolutely," Gallo said.
 Schlesinger, a former Derby mayor and former state representative, is trailing incumbent Joseph Lieberman and Democrat Ned Lamont in the Senate contest. Lieberman, who is running as a petitioning candidate after losing the Democratic primary to Lamont, has historically enjoyed strong Republican support. Bush has declined to endorse Schlesinger, fueling speculation that he is supporting Lieberman.
 Undecided about whether he will attend the fundraiser, Schlesinger said Bush endorsed the party's entire Connecticut ticket in a television interview earlier this month.
 "The decisions that are being made about my race in the Republican Party are not being made by George Bush, and I appreciate his support," Schlesinger said.
 A White House spokesman said he was unaware of the interview to which Schlesinger was referring.
 Campaign aides for U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Bridgeport, said he will attend Monday's fundraiser. His campaign released a statement yesterday thanking Bush for his support but would not discuss the event further. Shays is facing a rematch of his 2004 close call against Diane Farrell, a former Westport first selectwoman.
 The Democrat called Bush's appearance a "reward" for Shays, who she said has supported the president on a number of flawed positions, including the Iraq war.
 Greenwich has been home to multiple generations of Bushes, including former President Bush and his father, the late Prescott Bush, who served as U.S. senator from Connecticut. The president's uncle and second cousin still live in Greenwich. 
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    Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282 Cliff Thornton for Governor- Campaign Manager-
    National Committee Member of the Green Party(Connecticut)

  Paid for by Thornton For Governor ,Donna Byrne-McKee, treasurer-   www.VoteThornton.com
  email: info at votethornton.com

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