{news} Today's New Haven Register

ken krayeske ken at votethornton.com
Wed Sep 6 08:19:52 EDT 2006

DeStefano doesn’t want other parties to be in debate
Gregory B. Hladky , Capitol Bureau Chief

-HARTFORD — The gubernatorial campaigns of Democrat John DeStefano Jr. 
and incumbent Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell were at odds Tuesday over who 
should be allowed to participate in upcoming debates.

Rell has proposed allowing any minor candidates who qualify for the 
ballot — including at least the Green Party and the Concerned Citizens 
candidates — to take part.

But DeStefano’s campaign spokesman Derek Slap called that "a smokescreen 
to avoid a direct debate on the issues with John DeStefano."

The exchange of letters between the campaigns grew more heated as the 
day wore on, with Rell’s campaign manager Kevin M. Deneen dismissing the 
DeStefano campaign’s claims as "unsubstantiated by any evidence whatsoever."

"Frankly, your comments appear to speak more to (New Haven) Mayor 
DeStefano’s desire to maximize his opportunities for public exposure 
than any unwillingness on the part of Gov. Rell to face him in a public 
forum," Deneen said in a letter to DeStefano campaign manager Henry 

Meanwhile, Green Party officials were growing furious with DeStefano’s 
attitude on the debates.

"I don’t understand what the Democrats have against getting another 
voice into the debates," said Ken Krayeske, campaign manager for Green 
Party candidate Cliff Thornton.

Thornton said he’s under no illusions about why Rell wants minor party 
candidates to be part of the debates.

"I know I’m probably being used as a pawn," said Thornton, explaining 
Rell most likely believes that having additional candidates participate 
will "give DeStefano less face time."

At the same time, Thornton said Rell "really is fulfilling democracy" by 
agreeing to include minor party candidates.

The Concerned Citizens Party candidate for governor, Joseph A. Zdonczyk, 
couldn’t be reached for comment Tuesday.

Rell’s spokesman, Rich Harris, said Rell’s stand on minor party 
candidates and the debates "doesn’t have anything to do with strategy."

"We believe all qualified candidates should be included," Harris said.

Slap said in his letter that Rell’s stance on the debates could mean 
that as many as six candidates could be on stage at once, thus limiting 
all the candidates’ time to respond to questions. Currently, only Rell, 
DeStefano, Thornton and Zdonczyk have qualified for the ballot.

"Whatever criteria one uses, it is clear there are only two candidates 
who have a serious chance at being elected governor in Connecticut," 
Slap said in the letter.

Krayeske angrily questioned why DeStefano’s campaign was insisting on 
electability as a qualification for the debates.

"According to the Quinnipiac University Polls that have been coming out, 
John DeStefano isn’t electable either," said Krayeske, referring to 
polls showing Rell with a massive lead over her Democratic challenger.

The campaigns still haven’t decided on how many gubernatorial debates 
there should be or what formats should be used. A number of civic and 
news organizations have offered to sponsor the debates.

/Gregory B. Hladky can be contacted at ghladky at nhregister.com 
<mailto:%20ghladky at nhregister.com> or (860) 524-0719./
The positives to this are plenty, but after reading Paul Bass' story 
yesterday, there are lessons here for us to learn. Please offer your 
additional comments, as well.
So I'll offer a few criticisms of Green Party comments/responses in this 

a- In last quote, I could've turned DeStefano's quote on its head and 
said, "I'm glad that Mayor DeStefano's campaign recognizes that Cliff is 
now the leading progressive candidate." Or "DeStefano is acknowledging 
he can;'t win, and I am glad he is ceding electability to Cliff."
b - I shouldn't have given so much play to the Q Polls, considering we 
are not in them.
c - Cliff or I could have responded by neither praising nor attacking 
either side, but by taking a third party tack:
"This is the situation we are in the middle of. Look at what the two 
party system is coming down to. Democracy is not about who the two 
parties decide who people can vote for, but that is the attitude evident 
here in the Q Polls and the debate planning. It is about voters choosing 
among the choices on the ballot. Polls and debates should reflect the 
ballot. That is all we are asking, and it is lost in the competing 
interests of the duopoly."
d - Show less emotion (Another person recently told me to restrain my 
animosity - it is tough).
e - Before speaking to the press, consider how what we say builds the 
party. Does what we say build the party? Does this exchange bode well 
for the future of the Green Party? If so, how? If not, why?

Just thoughts. We are enduring a period of growth, and as we are in it, 
we must, must, must take ample time to reflect on our responses.


Ken Krayeske

Campaign Director

Thornton for Governor

P.O. Box 1971

Manchester, CT 06045


*This message is paid for and approved by Thornton for Governor, Max 
Wentworth, Treasurer*

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