{news} Take Part in Step It Up 2007!

Colin Bennett great_land_trust at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 8 01:41:30 EDT 2007

  I definitely think that the Connecticut Green Party should table at this event. There will be lots of progressive folks there looking for solutions. Let's make sure the Green Party is there for them.
  Hello representatives of Connecticut Climate Coalition organizations,
We'd like to invite you and your supporters to come to Step It Up events on Saturday April 14th. Please see the attached invitational letter to secure a table for your group for the Hartford event.  We also have talking points and sample press materials available if you are helping to put on an event.

On April 14th please join citizens from across the country in a national day of action, inspired by the author Bill McKibben, calling for our elected officials to "Step It Up" and cut carbon dioxide emissions 80% by 2050. 

Since Connecticut has been a leader in the fight against global warming our message will be twofold; in addition to asking Congress to cut carbon emissions 80% by 2050 we will be telling Governor Jodi Rell that she needs to set a strong precedent for Washington by making polluting power plants pay for their CO2 pollution and not being grandfathered into global warming regulations.  

You can help make sure we are heard by joining the CT Climate Coalition, the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network, League of Conservation voters and others at Step It Up 12PM from 12-4PM on April 14th in Bushnell Park in Hartford.  There will be fun for whole family including speakers, music, and informational tables on how we can do our part to make democracy work to stop global warming.   

There will also be events in New Haven, New London, Norwich, Hamden, Portland and more.  If you want to be involved in the other events, check out the following link (we can also help you find contacts for these events).
Find more events here: http://events.stepitup2007.org/events/search/state/CT

As there more people there the stronger our voice, please invite your friends and supporters to attend!
Who:    You and other concerned CT citizens
What:    Rally and event on Global Warming
Where:  Bushnell Park in Hartford- RSVP to cbennett at cleanwater.org for details and logistics
When:   Starts at 12PM; Key time to be there from 2-3:30 for speeches; activities throughout afternoon
Why:     Because we need CT to take action and Washington to follow our lead before it's too late!
For more information contact Colin Bennett at 860-232-6232 or via email at cbennett at cleanwater.org 
You can also find more details below. 
-Roger Smith, Colin Bennett, Connecticut Climate Coalition

Download a Step It Up Hartford flyer suitable for posting here:

Want a flyer asking citizens to call the Governor?

fact sheet asking citizens to call Governor Rell?
or email rsmith at cleanwater.org and we will email or mail it to you

Background and more information
Why now?  Setting a National Precedent - Make Polluters Pay for their Global Warming Pollution 
Step it Up is a day of action across the country and we can use this day to ask Governor Rell must set a precedent for national climate legislation by making polluters pay for their CO2 pollution under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.  The governor and agencies are expected to come out with draft regulations soon.

Undermine The Rush to Build Coal Plants: Power companies across the nation are scrambling to build new coal power plants. They are assuming that if the plants are built before Congress passes a Federal climate law that their pollution will be “grandfathered” into the new system.   We need to send a strong message that their CO2 pollution will be a liability for coal, the dirtiest of the fossil fuels.

Set a Polluter-Pays Precedent: Each state in the northeastern Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has the choice of whether to grandfather in power plants or to charge polluters for permission to emit each ton of carbon dioxide pollution. Revenue from these permits can be reinvested in energy efficiency so that power plant owners are paying to help us lower our bills by cutting our electricity usage! 

Energy Efficiency is the best way to save consumers money and reduce air and global warming pollution:  The programs at www.ctsavesenergy.org could be expanded by $50 million per year if revenue from CO2 pollution were reinvested into helping consumers use less electricity.

Colin Bennett
  Campaign Organizer , Clean Water Action
645 Farmington Ave, Hartford CT 06105
(p) 860-232-6232 (f) 860-232-6334
cbennett at cleanwater.org

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