{news} Capitalizing on the Presidential campaign

Clifford Thornton efficacy at msn.com
Wed Aug 29 11:30:19 EDT 2007

This is the drug policy reform movement in progress.  We are slowly
gaining the upper hand.  Lets go GREENS and be part of that.  Anytime
one talks about legalizing, medicalizing and decriminalizing drugs---we
are talking about only one thing, the redistribution of income and wealth
Catherine Austin Fitts gives this the full spin when she talks or writes.

It occurs to me that we aren't taking maximum advantage of the current
political situation. We are coming to a breaking point on our favorite
issues very rapidly and we can speed the process. If this was real war, we
would be at the point where the enemy is about to crumble and run from the
field in panic.

Some day soon the campaign is coming to California. We already have the
complete Democratic field on our side. They have all said they will stop the
DEA raids, which will mean that California and the other states will be free
to make whatever rules they want about marijuana. Game over if that happens.

This leaves the Republicans as the stand-out obvious targets. With all the
history of the last eight years, coupled with the recent scandals, the
Republicans are in an extremely vulnerable position. One more political
disaster will probably blow them out of the water completely. They are
wounded and they can be hurt again.

I suggest that we start now to make plans to target any Republican candidate
who says they will continue the DEA raids. Don't let them avoid the
question. "Will you stop the DEA raids?" Hit them with it wherever they go.
Make it THE question of the California campaign. This is a trap for them.
Make sure they can't avoid stepping in it.

The DEA raids involve several political hot buttons. The first, obviously is
medical marijuana. The public is with us at least 4-1 on that one. There is
also the issues of states' rights. A wrong answer on that topic will cause
problems for the candidates with lots of local California governnments and
in other states where there is no medical mj, as well. Another is Joe
Citizen against the power of the Federal Government.

They have always said that drug legalization is the political "third rail."
Step on it and you get instantly killed. We can make the DEA raids the
political "third rail." Nobody is going to get any cheering crowds if they
say they will continue the raids. They will get cheers if they say they will
stop them. We should make that painfully apparent.

If someone gives the wrong answer, hit them we everything we have. Letters
to the editor, articles, opinion pieces, web pages, demonstrations, heckling
at their public appearances -- everything. Focus on knocking that one
individual completely out of the race. Pull out all the stops. Call them
idiots, morons, and jack-booted thugs who are out of touch with the will of
the people. Have people in wheelchairs show up at their rallies with signs
that say "Arrest Me, You Asshole." Make it not just a matter of political
differences but turn it into outright ridicule. Humiliate the motherfuckers.
Make it a wholesale political slaughter. Make them sorry they ever bought a
plane ticket to California.

The message to them should be short and sweet: GET OUT AND TAKE THE DEA WITH
YOU, or just GET OUT. Crowds should chant "GET OUT" wherever they go. We
don't even want the chance to vote for them. They are so fucking stupid,
ignorant, inhuman, and bigoted that they shouldn't even be on the ballot.
Just GET THE HELL OUT. Make the attack so intense that even the hardened
political reporters will go "Wow!"

That message conveys both our feelings about medical mj and will resonate
with other people around the nation who are concerned about the growing
power of the Federal Government. This isn't just an issue of the Feds
intruding into private medical matters -- it is an emblem of the whole
overreach of Federal Government. This story is David versus Goliath, the
patriotic citizen standing up against the overwhelming forces of evil
government, and all of that. The citizens are rising up to take back what
should be their legally acknowledged Constitutional freedoms.

Giuliani is one likely candidate to say he will support the raids and he is
damn near ideal for our purposes. He is a flashy publicity hound
front-runner who already has problems with his campaign -- like his own kids
don't even support his campaign. He is vulnerable. He may fall out of the
race for his own personal issues, anyway, but, if we can be the ones who
appear to knock him out of the race, we will have sent a political message
for all time to come.

We ought to start making plans, assembling forces, and printing up the signs
right now. We can make this into the Republican's Last Stand.

PO Box 1234
860 657 8438
Hartford, CT 06143
efficacy at msn.com<mailto:efficacy at msn.com>


Working to end race and class drug war injustice, Efficacy is a non profit
501 (c) 3 organization founded in 1997. Your gifts and donations are tax

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