{news} Fw: USGP-INT Release: Canadian Greens congratulate Australia on Kyotoratification (fwd)

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 4 07:50:30 EST 2007

Green Party of Canada
Media Release
For Immediate Release
December 3, 2007

Green Party congratulates Australia on Kyoto

OTTAWA - Green Party leader Elizabeth May
extended congratulations to Australia for
ratifying the Kyoto protocol and urged Prime
Minister Stephen Harper to rethink his strategy
to block international action on climate change. 

"Newly-elected Australian Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd ratified the Kyoto protocol in his first act
after being sworn in," said Ms. May. "Mr. Rudd
has pledged to do everything in his power to
ensure Australia is a leader on taking action
against climate change. Unfortunately for
Canadians, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has
taken the opposite approach. He has damaged
Canada 's reputation since the day he took office
by obstructing action to arrest the climate

Ms. May added that there is every indication the
Conservative government will continue to act as
global saboteur as negotiations on the second
phase of Kyoto begin at the United Nations
climate change conference Bali. She noted that
today, on the opening day of the conference,
Canada has the shame of being awarded the
third-place Fossil of the Day award from Climate
Action Network International, behind only the
United States and Saudi Arabia.  

"Mr. Harper must drop his disgraceful stance on
Kyoto and climate change and follow Australia 's
lead by honouring Kyoto and playing a
constructive - not obstructive - role in the
second phase negotiations."


Camille Labchuk
Press Secretary
613-562-4916 x 244
clabchuk at greenparty.ca

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