{news} Burbank running as an Independent- Not a Green??

Tim McKee timmckee2008 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 26 17:11:51 EST 2007

Dear Mr. Burbank,
  I am forwarding your email and this to our state Greens list in the hope that many Greens might see this and ask you to consider running as a Green and not a solo "independent" candidate.
  First, your message said you want to win the House seat from Congressmen Murphy and several 'people' told you not to run as a Green", if you wanted to win.  I have to say winning a seat in Congress is a long shot, for anyone. Murphy only did it with a local, state and national machine behind him. I wish you would ask several more people with more expercine about winning this race.
  But winning is not the only task before us. We Greens are building a long term major opposition to the war. We will have many others running for Congress as Greens. We will have a Presidential candidate to boost local Congressional races and many local Greens to support those Congressional Races.
  Our small but growing network of people also will be gathering money and resources from across the country. You wont be on your own like with a Independent race.
  Please consider talking with many Greens about your future as a candidate for Congress.
  (I hope many Greens might give you a call to talk with you as well)
  i look forward to talking to you soon
  Tim McKee

Harold Burbank II <hburbankii at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
  From: "Harold Burbank II" <hburbankii at worldnet.att.net>
To: "Tim McKee" <timmckee2008 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: run for Congress?
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 15:31:36 -0500

        Hi Tim.  Ironically, I just completed my first Federal Elections Commission forms today, and submitted them to the US Post Office, which means I am now a "filed" US House 5th District candidate for FEC purposes..  I have about $250 in campaign  donations with prospects for more from the Cornwall-Salisbury region, and I will be doing more out there soon.  They have been very supportive of my independent candidacy to impeach Bush and Cheney, end the Iraq and Afghanistan wars immediately, retsore the Consitution and Congress to their rightful places in our system of checks and balances, and more.
  Left you phone messages at home and on your cell today (cell is longest).  Lot's to discuss if you want to help. Please call me at 860-693-2687.
  Thanks for thinking of me.
  Attorney Harold Burbank
84 N. Mountain Rd.
Canton, CT  06019
Ph: 860-693-2687; Cell 860-205-0102
email: hburbankii at att.net
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tim McKee 
  To: hburbankii at att.net 
  Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 1:51 PM
  Subject: run for Congress?

  Attorney Harold Burbank
84 N. Mountain Rd.
Canton, CT  06019
Ph: 860-693-2687; Cell 860-205-0102
email: hburbankii at att.net

Dear Mr. Burbank.
  where are you as far as running for Congress?
  u need help?
  Tim McKee

  Tim McKee
  Manchester CT
  Tim McKee, is a National Commitee member of the Green Party of the United States and is a spokesperson for the Green Party of CT.
  BLOG- http://TheBigGreenPicture.blogspot.com/
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. 

  Tim McKee
  Manchester CT
  Tim McKee, is a National Commitee member of the Green Party of the United States and is a spokesperson for the Green Party of CT.
  BLOG- http://TheBigGreenPicture.blogspot.com/

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