MOVE personal attacks to discussion list {news} FW: [usgp-nc] Bigotry and prejudice rear it’s ugly head in the Green Party

Tim McKee timmckee at
Sun Apr 6 07:15:14 EDT 2008

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Amy Vas Nunes"
  To: ctgp-news at
  Subject: {news} FW: [usgp-nc] Bigotry and prejudice rear it’s ugly
  head in the Green Party
  Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 14:58:52 -0400

  Connecticut Green Party - Part of the GPUS -

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  > From: ncanaan at
  > To: natlcomvotes at
  > Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 13:12:46 -0400
  > Subject: [usgp-nc] Bigotry and prejudice rear it’s ugly head in the
  Green Party
  > Bigotry and prejudice rear it’s ugly head in the Green Party
  > TO: GPUS National Office
  > GP Steering committee.
  > GP International committee.
  > GP Peace Action Committee.
  > GPUS Press Release office.
  > David J. Kalbfleisch, - Green congressional candidate in Illinois'
  10th district dave at
  > Mohammed K. Abed, Wisconsin Green Party mkabed at
  > Kathleen Culver, Green candidate for Congress in Tennessee
  newtribe at
  > Ruth Weill, co-chair of the Wisconsin Green Party.
  > ruthweill at
  > RE: Objection to press release: Greens urge economic pressure and
  cutoff of all military aid to Israel as Gaza situation worsens
  > For Immediate Release:
  > Monday, March 3, 2008Re-Release as follows
  > Home | Press | Print
  > Greens, Calling for Palestinian Rights, Urge Divestment from Israel
  > Monday, November 28, 2005
  > Contacts:
  > Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, mclarty at
  > Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
  starlene at
  > Mohammed K. Abed, Wisconsin Green Party, 608-332-9900,
  mkabed at
  > Justine McCabe, International Committee, 860-354-1822,
  justinemccabe at
  > RE: Objection to: The peace action committee
  > Posting their support of Al-Awda, and the following purpose of said
  group.** This can be found on the Peace Action WIKI page:
  > 1. Political and material isolation of the Genocidal Zionist State
  > As a Green Party member committed to finding solutions for peace, I
  strongly object to the one sided inflammatory verbiage contained in
  the above releases and endorsements by the Green Party.
  > I call for the Green Party to discontinue their obvious anti-Israel
  policy for the following reasons.
  > At this very moment, and for the past 60 years, 21 Arab nations,
  SADR, the Palestinians, the PLO, Hezbollah* - and Hamas **- have
  undeniably waged war both politically and militarily as well as
  religiously against the state of Israel and it’s Jewish population.
  > *(Hezbollah leaders have made numerous statements calling for the
  destruction of Israel, which they describe as an unlawful "entity".
  {Wikipedia.} Six countries, list Hezbollah, or its external security
  arm, as a terrorist organization)
  > **(Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization by Canada, Israel,
  Japan, and the United States, and is banned in Jordan. Australia and
  the United Kingdom list only the militant wing of Hamas, the Izz
  ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, as a terrorist organization. The European
  Union lists Hamas as a group 'involved in terrorist attacks' and has
  implemented restrictive measures against Hamas. {Wikipedia}.)
  > With the above in mind, I suggest the Green Party has no right to
  attack the only democratic country in the Middle East for defending
  itself for the past six decades.
  > I also suggest that there appears to be a disconnect in the minds
  of many greens on the matter of religious freedom. The state of
  Israel happens to be the only place on this planet where Jews are
  safe from religious persecution both theoretically, by political
  intent and in actual practice. But sadly, Israel is not safe from the
  bigotry or religious persecution from the Arab world.
  > Religious freedom should sound familiar to any Green, to any
  American. Yet, our Green Party makes no attempt to condemn religious
  persecution in the form of religious venom spewing across Israel’s
  borders (from the Arab world) whether it’s rockets being dropped on
  Israel’s Jewish civilians or political perfidy from the floor of the
  > Consider for a moment
  > Maybe the Arabian Peninsula, which was divided up into separate
  countries should be forced to coalesce and become one nation? Maybe
  the United States should retreat behind its original 1776 borders? Or
  maybe America should be given back to the American Indians whose
  claim to ownership is unquestionable.
  > Consider for a moment, the actions of the UN dividing up Yugoslavia
  into three separate countries. There is no outcry from the Green
  Party over the millions of displaced people separated ethnically, who
  will never be able to return to their homes (across newly drawn
  borders;) or to Sarajevo, a magnificent city which is now subject to
  ethnic restrictions.
  > Consider the UN’s military barriers that have been placed between
  them to keep them separated and segregated. Why hasn’t the UN created
  a military barrier between the Arab world and Israel?
  > Why the opposition from the entire Arab world, America and Great
  Britain to this almost standard UN procedure?
  > Take into consideration what happened when Cuba invited communist
  Russia onto its shore. Missiles were aimed at Cuba, which would have
  decimated the tiny island. In other words America went ballistic!
  America even helped Cuban exiles wage a military action against Cuba,
  a country that didn’t even fire one bullet at America’s mainland nor
  made any move to attack America.
  > The invasion failed, so instead of building a wall between the two
  countries America used a fortuitously placed natural barrier, called
  the Atlantic Ocean to keep the two nations separate.
  > The American Coast Guard vigorously patrols this natural barrier
  and shots down, takes prisoners or returns anyone coming from Cuba.
  > And there’s no one in America who would disagree, that missiles
  would have been launched if Cuba had made a serious move against
  America, as the communist world kept saying it would do.
  > We still have no political relationship with Cuba. We still have
  our gunships aimed at them. Why isn’t the Green Party actively
  engaged in this important issue, which is right here in our own
  > Why doesn’t the Green Party condemn China, call for boycotts on
  every single product on our shelves that is made in China? Why
  doesn’t the Green Party call for an all out cessation of any and all
  economic aid and ties to a country that is loathsome when it comes to
  civil rights and human rights? Why doesn’t the Green Party put out
  one press release after another after another, against a country that
  mows down its citizens with assault weapons, is still is acquisition
  colonial mode in Tibet, throws it’s citizens into jail for speaking
  out against the government and has a population of undocumented,
  uneducated, unrecognized and displaced 2nd or 3rd children?
  > One of the major jobs of a government is to protect its citizens
  from assault within its borders. The United States has a government
  at the moment, who not only failed to do this, but with Cheney
  pulling away the air defenses we had (for war games) on 9/11 and Bush
  saying he sat outside the classroom watching one of the towers being
  hit, it appears Bush/Cheney and Company have been complicit in the
  attack. The American Congress has not impeached this tag team, nor
  stopped the funding for this tag team’s military action in Iraq,
  which is 70% outsourced to private companies such as Blackwater and
  > Israel is being attacked. It’s the job of its government to stop
  this and safeguard its citizens. You will have to excuse me, but it’s
  plain hubris for Americans to sit comfortably in their homes and
  decide how much force they find acceptable for any country to use to
  protect itself from an immediate and imminent proven threat.
  > Why does the Green Party give credence and support to 21 Arab
  nations, SADR, the Arabs of Gaza, the Arabs of The West Bank,
  Hezbollah and Hamas, and those anti Israel people here in America,
  who refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist in peace
  without daily threat of death and destruction. Why doesn’t the Green
  Party cry out against this religious persecution? Even Ray Hanania,
  from the Arab Writers Group Syndicate calls for an end to all forms
  of violence against Israeli civilians, calling Arab violence “a
  terrorism that is immoral and inhumane and illegal”.
  > The press releases issuing out of GPUS are abysmally one sided,
  prejudicial and smacks of anti-Israel bigotry. The Resolution Adopted
  by the Green Party of the United States, on November 21, 2005,
  Whereby The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) publicly calls
  for divestment from and boycott of the State of Israel also unfairly
  targets Israel.
  > The Jews of Israel are up against 21 Arab nations, SADR, the
  Palestinians, the PLO, Hezbollah, (a terrorist organization) and
  Hamas. (A group 'involved in terrorist attacks.)
  > Why are the Jews of Israel facing these astronomically dire odds?
  > For their right to remain in Israel, a country they emerged from in
  1671 BCE, and inhabited since 1272 BCE and gained statehood in 1948;
  for their right to be free from religious persecution.
  > The Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank, originally from what used to
  be called Palestine, (forced into tent cities and not welcomed by the
  Islamic world who built walls both physically and politically, to
  prevent them from crossing into neighboring Arab nations) have
  remained in limbo for 60 years. During these 60 years they have been
  exploited and subjected to the special agenda of the Arab world
  at-large while the UN has been thwarted at every turn from
  accomplishing any relocating efforts. In fact the refugee catastrophe
  is one of the UN’s most shameful and inexcusable failures.
  > There’ve been no refugees left for 60 years like the Arabs of Gaza
  and the West Bank have. Nor has there been any way so far, to
  reconcile, as I will go into below.
  > Contrary to innuendo and outright claims by some Greens, Israel is
  not a racist nation. But, if the label needs to be placed with
  anyone, then Racism is an Arab Policy.
  > My assertion that racist policy lies at the doorstep of the Arab
  world is unequivocally backed up by 60 years of instigated and
  perpetuated aggression specifically directed against Israel’s Jewish
  > And if it’s not Arab Racism that should be looked at and condemned,
  it’s Arab Sexism of the worst possible kind that runs rampant in the
  Middle Eastern Arab nations, and should be addressed most ardently by
  the world, and especially by the Greens. The subservient, powerless
  nature of females in Arab society is well documented, as are the wars
  of aggression perpetrated upon Israel by its surrounding Arab
  > Not only did 21 Arab nations declare their intent to destroy Israel
  in ’48 but they also called on every Arab living in Palestine to wage
  war on the Jews; and then proceeded to invade Israel from all sides
  while the world stood back and watched.
  > What Green has the right to condemn Israel for it’s rigorous and
  yes, deadly defensive actions; that Israel feels absolutely necessary
  in order to defend its borders and protect its citizens?
  > Consider for a moment, the only reason North and South Korea aren’t
  at each others throats is due to the enormous military barrier in
  place. Who’s paying for that barrier? If this barrier were removed
  wouldn’t it be likely the north would move on the south? Is this
  barrier acceptable to the Greens since they are not protesting the
  use of military power this way?
  > Does the Green Party condone gunships leveled against Cuba and
  military barrier walls against North Korea while in the same breath
  condemning Israel for protecting itself? Where is the incessant
  outcry from the Greens against China’s human rights and civil rights
  violations that are too numerous to count? Where is the outcry from
  the Green Party against human and civil rights abuses in the Arab
  world against it’s female population and interestingly enough against
  the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank?
  > The slant and intent of the press releases as well as the call for
  a boycott is unwarranted and is weighted down with anti Israel
  > The Jewish people lived in Israel for thousands of years before
  Muslim Arabs came onto the scene. Furthermore Jews are the indigenous
  population of Israel, being thrown out of their homeland by war and
  conquerors and continually returning.
  > For your reference, a brief history follows:
  > 1671 BCE Abraham & Sarah (in present day Israel)
  > 1428 BCE Egyptian slavery begins (Israelites)
  > 1312 BCE Exodus and Ten Commandments
  > 1299 Ottoman Empire established
  > 1272 BCE Jewish People re-enter Israel
  > 825 BCE First Temple built
  > First Temple destroyed;
  > 422 BCE Babylonian exile begins
  > 352 BCE Second Temple built
  > Second Temple destroyed;
  > 70 CE Roman exile begins
  > 571 CE Mohammad born
  > 620 CE Islamic Renaissance
  > 633 CE Mohammad died
  > 1096 CE First Crusade
  > 1420 CE Italian Renaissance
  > 1492 CE Expulsion of Spanish Jewry
  > 1923 Ottoman Empire dismantled into separate nations
  > 1939 CE Holocaust
  > 1948 CE Jewish people reinstated in Israel
  > 1967 CE Reunification of Jerusalem
  > During thousands of years of history, the Jewish people fought with
  other nations and tribes in the area just as African nations went to
  war with their neighbors, just as one American Indian nation fought
  with another Indian Nation.
  > Wars were not uncommon, but their outcome doesn’t fall into the
  definition of apartheid then or now.
  > Yet apartheid seems to be today’s flavor of the month word. A word
  flung about indiscriminatingly and incorrectly by many Greens.
  Apartheid was a political system in South Africa from 1948 to the
  early 1990’s that gave empire building people of white European
  origin both political, cultural, social and economic privileges while
  keeping the indigenous African black population segregated. This type
  of segregation was for the purpose of forcibly acquiring South
  Africa’s natural resources for profit.
  > Israel, on the other hand, built a wall between themselves and
  people who blow up their children. This is not apartheid.
  > Israel has been in defensive mode for decades. That this defensive
  mode necessitated their acquiring tactically necessary land in order
  to prevent attaches from high ground and then taking land to create a
  buffer against this attack is necessary for Israel’s survival, but
  wouldn’t be necessary anymore if the Arab world ended their war on
  Israel. Am I the only person who can see Arab and Jew living side by
  side in one land? Or even side by side in two lands? Or side-by-side
  in any way the two parties themselves decide?
  > GPUS is calling for cutting off aid to Israel, but doesn’t take
  into account or seem to object to the lethal policy of military
  aggression towards Israel conducted by Arab nations. Nations who
  receive billions of dollars from the American taxpayer every year.
  GPUS doesn’t seem to object to the stupendous military buildup in
  Saudi Arabia that rivals anything in the area, and the military aid
  to other Arab countries for weapons that have been and are
  continually used against Israeli citizens?
  > GPUS doesn’t seem to object to the largest growing industry world
  wide, that of the private military outsourcing industry which is
  crawling all over the Middle East. This industry has put America into
  triple billion-dollar debt and is growing at record speeds to
  trillion dollar cost status worldwide.
  > The press releases make no mention of the ongoing bill American
  citizens pay for arming the Arab world, yet the Green Party is
  calling for an end to economic aid to the only free democratic
  country in the region. Why isn’t the Green Party running a vigorous
  campaign to stop funding the Arab world, or even to stop Blackwater,
  Halliburton and all other private military outsourcing companies
  whose financial windfalls are crushing the American taxpayer?
  > Are there many Greens in America who feel it’s ok to exclusively
  arm the Arab world? Or to arm the Bush/Cheney and company’s private
  military worldwide that might very well bring about WW III?
  > Furthermore, does the Arab world have the right to maim, kill,
  murder and use deadly force towards the Jews of Israel or towards
  anyone who supports the nation of Israel, even if it’s another Arab?
  > Are there many Greens in America who feel the Arab nations,
  including the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank have the right to be a
  deadly daily threat to every citizen in Israel, every day of every
  year in perpetuity?
  > What If the Arab world actually stopped exploiting their brethren
  in Gaza and the West Bank, who they’re using as their front line
  suicide pawns? What if the Arab world stopped this exploitation,
  which is both economical, and political, would peace be possible? Of
  course! But it means America must stay out of the picture, the whole
  picture, regardless of the issue of oil in the Middle East.
  > One of the serious questions the Green Party needs to ask is why
  does the Arab world segregate the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank?
  Are they some sort of threat to the Arab world? Is there some history
  that’s beneath the surface which makes these particular Arabs
  dangerous or is Gaza and the West Bank being punished for not
  standing and killing every Jew in the state of Israel? Why the
  animosity from the Arab world?
  > Why would Egypt, for instance, carry on an inhuman and immoral
  action, which it recently did, against Gaza’s Arabs who tried to flee
  into Egypt?
  > Is war ok? No,
  > But it appears that no one wants to deal with the fact that there
  can be peace in the Middle East tomorrow. So there will continue to
  be Arab aggression against Israel - with no end in sight.
  > Are refugee camps ok? No.
  > but even though the UN has dealt successfully with refuges in many
  difficult and complex situations over the years, the opposition
  they’ve encountered from the entire Arab world is why there is a
  refugee Gaza and a refugee West Bank – with no end in sight.
  > War decimates human rights as it escalates down into its inevitable
  outcome. It’s no different in the Middle East. War becomes an
  atrocity, and in the Middle East both sides have compiled and
  published detailed corroborated incidents delineating the only
  outcome of war, that being abuses and death at every corner, no
  matter which way you turn. But I pose a question to the Green Party.
  Aren’t the human rights as well as the civil rights of every young
  person being brain washed into committing suicide, while becoming
  murders, being violated? Isn’t this an urgent issue that desperately
  needs light shown on it? Maybe more so than any other issue?
  > The landscape of war is one of destruction. The loss of a child, a
  mother, a father, a brother, an aunt, an uncle, and/or robbing
  children of their childhood by turning 12 to 18 year olds into
  killers and murderers, is the only outcome of war.
  > No matter which side you turn to, there is loss, suffering and
  pain. No matter whether it’s Africa, the Middle East or across the
  steppes of Russia to Asia, or even here in the United States that has
  an unending trail of broken treaties with it’s native American
  > War is poisonous policy, with profits going to old men while our
  young people, with their blood and their lives, pay the bill.
  > Israeli’s have been attached, their young mutilated and murdered
  from the very moment of statehood so many decades ago to the present
  day. Arabs have suffered great losses in retaliation and their young
  > Is the Palestinian family suffering over the loss of their loving
  and wonderful young son? Yes. Is the Israeli family who had their
  beautiful young daughter physically maimed for life and brain damaged
  in a suicide bombers attack suffering? Yes. Is war totally
  destructive to all sides? Yes.
  > Does war push the opposing sides into desperately lethal waters?
  Yes. Does war wind up being brutal, filled with atrocities as it
  engages in its inevitable blood bath? Yes.
  > Presently, Israel has built it’s own wall, and the incident of
  alarmingly young Arab children or mentally challenged woman
  committing suicide at the moment they become murderers has been
  drastically reduced. Will there be more walls?
  > The silence from the Green Party all these years concerning the
  attacks by 21 Arab nations, SADR, the West Bank and Gaza plus the
  military/religious Arab extremist groups, and the funding they engage
  in to wage this war on Israel is reprehensible in my estimation.
  > To be silent is to condone.
  > The road out of this quagmire of killing, retaliation, revenge and
  death is squarely laid out on the peace table. But peace has to
  travel through:
  > Algeria
  > Bahrain
  > Comoros
  > Djibouti
  > Egypt
  > Iraq
  > Jordan
  > Kuwait
  > Lebanon
  > Libya
  > Mauritania
  > Morocco
  > Oman
  > Palestinians
  > Qatar
  > Saudi Arabia
  > Somalia
  > Sudan
  > Syria
  > Tunisia
  > United Arab Emirates
  > Western Sahara (SADR)
  > and Yemen
  > Whose political policy is the total and unequivocal annihilation of
  > In the end, peace must come from within, from grassroots pressure
  exerted on both sides demanding that the landscape not be painted
  with the blood of their children, but with the colors of peace.
  > How can the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank sue for peace, be
  returned to their homes, or receive adequate compensation if they’re
  continually waging an active violent destructive campaign against
  Israel? How can the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank and the state of
  Israel find peace if the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank refuse to
  acknowledge Israel’s right to exist?
  > What if Israel said fine, Mr. And Mrs. … here is you house back.
  Will that work? Will Mr. and Mrs. Returned Property join Israeli
  society, become good citizens and contribute to the well being of
  all? Will Mr. and Mrs. Returned Property declare that Israel has
  nothing to fear from them now or in the future and that they will
  change their political policy so that the Jews of Israel and the
  Muslims of the Arab world (or at least Gaza and the West Bank) can co
  exist in peace and harmony?
  > They say not.
  > And here in America the Green Party and its members take pot shots
  at Israel; while with their stupendous silence they condone the
  ongoing war of aggression perpetrated by the Arab world upon Israel.
  > Both Israelis and the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank have been put
  in an untenable position. It must be akin to living in a fishbowl.
  There is no room to maneuver and the waters are getting murkier and
  > For the Greens, maybe their part is stopping Cheney who it’s been
  recently revealed removed America’s air defenses on September 11,
  2001. For the Greens, maybe their part is stopping Cheney who went
  fishing off the Sultan of Oman's royal yacht on the 5th anniversary
  of the “manufactured war” he and Bush started in Iraq? A war that’s
  stolen the lives of four thousand American young men and women. A war
  that’s put America another trillion dollars in debt.
  > Maybe the Green Party should be stopping Bush who said he sat
  outside a schoolroom watching one of the twin towers being hit and
  for hideously rendering the word patriot unrecognizable by using it
  to name one of the most repugnantly undemocratic and unconstitutional
  political orders this country has ever been responsible for.
  > Maybe the Green Party needs to put all its efforts into stopping
  another election being stolen through computer manipulation, by any
  > Maybe the Green Party needs to elect a President – VP – and
  Congress who will reinstitute the Constitution and The Bill of Rights
  to it’s rightful place within our political body in order to protect
  individual rights against corporate new world order right wing
  > Maybe this is what the Green Party needs to do in order to help
  bring about peace not only in the Middle East but also around the
  > The Greens, if they take any stand, must first and foremost call
  for the Arab world to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
  > To take this stand would be monumentally positive, since this one
  act, if accomplished, would instantly remove the aggression and
  antagonism from all the people, Arab Muslim, Christian or Israeli
  Jew, Muslim or Christian in and around Israel.
  > Once the threat to Israel’s survival is removed anything is
  possible, compensation, return of property, roads opened up and a
  free flow of industry and learning.
  > Can the world imagine children from Gaza and the West Bank going to
  school with Israeli children? Can the Arab world imagine this? Can
  the Green Party envision this?
  > I can envision peace tomorrow, can the Green Party?
  > __________________________________
  > Furthermore!
  > The peace action committee
  > Posted this on their WIKI page: **
  > 1) Political and material isolation of the Genocidal Zionist State
  > With this endorsement, and the incorrect and inflammatory use of
  language, you’re looking at the face of bigotry and racism. What’s
  looking back is the Green Party of the United States!
  > **Nowhere did the Peace committee condemn Arab and/or Palestinian
  religious bigotry towards the Jews of Israel nor did the Peace
  committee condemn the continual human rights and civil rights
  violations by the surrounding Arab countries against the Arabs of
  Gaza and the West Bank.
  > The full script on the WIKI site can be found in GPAX Notices
  > _________________________________________________________________
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