{news} GW Bush/Dist 5/Burbank Press Release

David Bedell dbedellgreen at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 20 15:49:31 EDT 2008

US House Candidate human rights attorney Harold Burbank, Canton, announced
that he has drafted what he believes is the nation's first town ordinance to
create a US war criminal free zone. He did so at the request of Kennebunkport 
resident and Maine US Senate Candidate Laurie Dobson, who March, 2008 announced 
her support of a "Kennebunkport Indictment" against President GW Bush and Vice 
President Richard Cheney for war crimes committed against the United Nations 
Charter, the Nuremberg Charter and the Geneva Conventions, in violation of the 
US Constitution, which makes these human rights treaties the supreme law of the land.
The draft ordinance incorporates the Nuremberg Charter, and specifically
creates town authority to investigate, arrest, indict, prosecute and refer
for further legal action any suspected or known war criminal within
Kennebunkport. The Bush family have had a Kenenbunkport summer home for
generations. Burbank published the proposed ordinance last week at a
Concord, New Hampshire event he organized advocating impeachment of
Bush-Cheney featuring Pentagon Papers icon Daniel Ellsberg, former Star Wars
missile defense shield program director Dr. Robert Bowman, author John
Nichols, and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Ellsberg and Bowman,
staunch advocates of impeaching Bush and Cheney for crimes against the
Constitution and humanity, have publicly announced their support of 
Burbank's 5th District US House campaign versus incumbent Chris Murphy, who refuses to
support impeachment, and who continues to vote for budgets for the Iraq
"At Chris Murphy's September, 2007 New Britain town meeting on Iraq, I asked
him publicly why he was not supporting impeachment of Bush-Cheney, given
that he agreed the Iraq war and many other administration policies were the
results of their criminal actions," Burbank said. "Chris had no answers,
which was inexcusable, since he swore the same oath I did as a Connecticut
attorney, and another when he entered the US House, to uphold and defend the
Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I then decided I had to
run for his seat.  Chris was denying his obligation to protect my family and
my country by protecting the Constitution from fascism.  My model ordinance,
which incorporates the Nuremberg Charter, in effect since August 7, 1945 and
never repealed, is a logical extension of my oath and campaign to protect
the Constitution from war criminals and war crimes of the Bush-Cheney
Burbank is a Kennebunk native who was recommended to law school by the
President's father, President GHW Bush. The family also recommended young
Burbank to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, to which he was later
nominted. In 1986 the senior Bush helped Burbank's law school Amnesty
International group gain release of a Thai political prisoner. Burbank
corresponds to this day with President GHW Bush on war and peace issues,
including possible US war with Iran.
"I am a human rights lawyer specializing in international law, which
includes war crimes. Kennebunk, Maine is my hometown, where I grew up golf
caddying and grounds keeping for the Bush family. As a Maine and Connecticut
licensed attorney I swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution,
which makes all US treaties like the Nuremberg Charter the supreme law of
the land.  The American people, and people of the Middle East, need the
benefit of the Nuremberg Charter now, not after Bush administration attacks
and occupies a new country like Iran, which will surely plunge us into WW
III. The Kenenbunkport war crimes ordinance is designed to give Americans
and all others the maximum authority to prevent WW III from starting,"
Burbank said.  "If the Congress will not stop current imperilaist US wars,
and prevent future ones, especially in Iran, the people will have to do it,
even if we have to build a ground-up system of local policing and
enforcement," Burbank said.
President GW Bush comes to the 5th District this Friday to raise funds for
likely Republican US House candidate David Cappiello, at a $1000 plate
dinner hosted by Henry Kissinger of Kent.  Burbank will seek to hold an ice
cream fundraiser in Kent the same day and play his tape of Dan Ellsberg's
April 14, 2008 speech given in Concord, New Hampshire in support 87 year old
New Hampshire State Representative Betty Hall's HR 24, a bill to impeach
Bush and Cheney for crimes against the Constitution an humanity.
"Ellsberg challenged all Americans to consider what it took to stop the
Vietnam War; that it took great sacrifice by peace activists like Randy
Kehler who went to Danbury, Connecticut Federal Prison for two years rather
than serve in the immoral and illegal Vietnam War, or seek CO status, or
escape to Canada. Randy went to prison to make the maximum moral statement
that the war was wrong, that everyone had a moral duty to confront that
issue, and do what they could to peacefully end the war. Randy was Dan
Ellsberg's inspiration for his release of the Pentagon Papers.  Dan faced
over 100 years in prison for treason for what he did (he was released after
Nixon had Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office burglarized).  That is the kind
of legal, moral and spirtual heroism it takes to build a war crime free
world, and that is what I am for.  It is terribly ironic that President Bush
is coming to the 5th District to promote his immoral and illegal wars this
week - the same District in which Randy served his time for peace which
moved Dan Ellsberg to spark the end of the Vietnam War," Burbank said. "I am
afraid that our major parties have yet to learn anything from what Randy and
Dan taught my generation, but I am hoping to speak up for them in my
5th District campaign, for the sake of my children and theirs."
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