{news} Fw: USGP-INT Nat'l Roundtable on Enviro. & Econ. joins Canadian Greensbehind carbon tax (Fwd release)

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 7 21:37:15 EST 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott McLarty" <scottmclarty at yahoo.com>
To: <usgp-media at gp-us.org>; <natlcomaffairs at green.gpus.org>; 
<usgp-int at gp-us.org>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: USGP-INT Nat'l Roundtable on Enviro. & Econ. joins Canadian 
Greensbehind carbon tax (Fwd release)

Green Party of Canada
Media Release

For Immediate Release
January 7, 2008

NRTEE joins Greens in call for carbon tax

OTTAWA - The Green Party is applauding the
National Roundtable on the Environment and the
Economy (NRTEE) for recommending that Canada
adopt a carbon tax. In a report released today,
the roundtable said a carbon tax is a crucial
component of any regime designed to cut
greenhouse gases and arrest climate change.

"It is encouraging that the National Roundtable
also recognizes that any plan without a carbon
tax is a plan without teeth," said Green Party
leader Elizabeth May. "Currently, the Green Party
is the only federal political party with the
courage to tell voters the truth: Canada must
price carbon if we are to take meaningful action
on climate change and mitigate the climate

The cornerstone of the Green Party's climate plan
is a green tax shift: a $50 per tonne tax on
carbon emissions coupled with equivalent cuts to
personal income and payroll taxes.

"We urge the other federal parties to adopt this
policy without delay," said Ms. May. "The
National Roundtable has added its voice to a
growing group of experts who agree that a carbon
tax is the most efficient and effective way to
quickly reduce carbon emissions. When will Prime
Minister Harper end his preoccupation with
political expediency and do what is necessary to
stop climate change?"


Camille Labchuk
Press Secretary
613-562-4916 ext 244
clabchuk at greenparty.ca

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