{news} Next NHGP Meeting TUESDAY June 10 8pm at Claire's!

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Wed Jun 4 18:17:53 EDT 2008

We are meeting next Tuesday, instead of Thursday, next week to encourage you
to attend an important talk.


On Tues. at 6:00 p.m., Melinda Tuhus is showing a film and then speaking at
the Public Library (main branch-corner of Elm & Temple) about her recent
trip to Israel and Palestine.   See an excerpt from your trip diary below.


To allow sufficient time for this, we will begin our meeting at 8:00 p.m.
(and will end by 9pm) on the other side of the GREEN at
<http://www.clairescornercopia.com/> Claire's Corner Copia
www.clairescornercopia.com 1000 Chapel St New Haven.


The main agenda item will be to discuss what offices we will be seeking in
November and whether/when to schedule a nominating meeting in July. 


Come to one or both.  See you next Tuesday.




chapillsbury at igc.org   


So far I've done one short magazine article and two radio pieces about
things I researched on my trip. I plan to pitch at least half a dozen more
stories, and hope most or all of them will be accepted. I'm also doing my
first (short) speaking gig on Saturday, at a fundraising event organized by
some New Haveners who are taking a circus to Palestine this fall. Both the
Palestinians and the pro-peace and justice Israelis I met say their
paramount concern is breaking the Israeli/AIPAC media monopoly. 


It's hard to generalize too much from my experience interviewing a few dozen
people, and I'm very conscious of not wanting to practice what we call
"parachute journalism" - a foreigner who drops in to another country for a
short time and becomes an "instant expert." But I know what I saw and,
because I kept my focus pretty specific, I know quite a lot about a few
things. And these are the things I can write/speak about.



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