{news} Fwd: [usgp-nc] Announcement from Treasurer-expanded

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 18:36:47 EDT 2008

Mr. Juoni was an elderly man of Finnish descent and was 94 when he died.  He
left half of his money to us and half to the Communist Party so I gather he
was not enthusiastic about the duopoly.

His wife died before he did and he had only a few distant relatives - a
nephew or two as I recall.  The only people present at his funeral were the
attorney with whom I have dealt and another woman from the attorney's

I am honored that GPUS has been selected to receive a legacy from Mr. Juoni.
 I only wish I had had an opportunity to meet him...

Jody Grage, Treasurer

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jody Grage <jodytgrage at hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 5:28 PM
Subject: [usgp-nc] Announcement from the Treasurer
To: natlcomvotes <natlcomvotes at green.gpus.org>

I am pleased to announce that we have received the first installment from
the legacy to GPUS from the estate of Sulo Jacob Juoni from Deschute County,
Oregon.   GPUS will receive a yearly check for the FEC limit in effect for
the year, which is $28,500 in 2008, from the Sulo Jacob Juoni Testamentary
Trust for the Benefit of the Green Party of the United States.

The receipt of this bequest is enabling us to make early repayments to the
Green Party members who contributed to the Loan to Pay Printing Costs and to
add $10,000 to our Reserve Account.

In addition, we have the wording in Mr. Juoni's will and in the Trust to use
as examples for those of you who wish to consider including GPUS in your
will.   If you would like to discuss this possibility, please contact Brent
McMillan or me.

Jody Grage, Treasurer
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