{news} Voting on Prop 382 on death penalty

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 1 13:21:19 EDT 2009

Dear Charlie, Tim and Cliff, 

Following up: Was there an answer to my question on the NC discussion list regarding what the intention is for this resolution on the death penalty?

I see none of you have voted yet. I urge you to vote no on this one based on my comments below.

Justine McCabe
co-chair, International Committee, GPUS 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Justine McCabe 
To: Charlie Pillsbury ; Tim McKee ; clifford thornton 
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:32 PM
Subject: Comment on NC Prop 382

Hi all, 


RE: Prop 382 


This proposal appears to be redundant on the issue of the death penalty.

The USGP platform is quite clear in our opposition to it, a position which the IC and US delegation to the Federation of the Green Parties of the Americans (FPVA) has reiterated clearly to Mexican Greens, including at the last FPVA meeting in Quebec, which I attended.


Given that, what's the purpose of this proposal?


For example, I'm concerned about what use might be made of the following statement in it:

"Therefore the Green Party of the United States declares its unequivocal 
support for Section 6:10 of the Global Greens Charter and urges in the 
strongest terms that all member and observer parties of the FPVA and their 
elected officials and other representatives observe its practice in party 
policy and in legislation they advocate and support. "

Specifically, my question is whether there's any intent by CA to use this as a basis for USGP support for future sanctions against the Mexican Greens, actions like withdrawing USGP recognition from them as a GP, as the European Green Party recently have? 

If so, I would urge a no vote.  


Moreover, Prop 383 is insufficient in terms of articulating how to respond further to the Mexican Green policy.


In fact, as the CA authors of 382 know, IC member Tony Affigne, a delegate to the FPVA and facilitator of the FPVA meetings in Quebec has agreed to draft a position paper for USGP-IC action on this.  He and Julia Willebrand (the another US-FPVA delegate and FPVA co-president) wrote to the IC last month saying,

"To help ensure that USGP engagement regarding the Mexican Greens' capital punishment initiative is genuinely forward-looking, diplomatic, and effective, we are drafting a proposal for IC action, which incorporates two central elements: a. the USGP view on how the Global Green Charter is being violated b. the USGP view on the European Greens' censure of the Mexican Green Party."


In light of that, and a largely positive history between the US and Mexican Greens, I would urge voting no on this proposal as both unnecessary, given our platform, and insufficient as a plan for how USGP should best relate to the Mexican Greens on this issue in the future.     



Best regards, 


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