{news} RE: {news(?)} Fwd: GPUS Seeking State Party Info - CT

Karin L. Norton karinlee1 at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 16 18:19:16 EDT 2009

Hi, All. I am getting very frustrated with the repetitive opinions expressed by one person to our NEWS list about Ms. McCabe. Even if the emails were sent to the FORUM I still think they are way over the top. I realize that we are civilized to believe opinion if we read/hear it often enough, but constant mis-representation of opinion doesn't make it fact, it's still propaganda. I think it bears acknowledging that there are no actual rules about who can be on the national committees, in fact some people have served on committees even before they had a state party, let alone a chapter. I think we are honored by Justine's presence on USGP committees. She represents Connecticut well with her hard work and devotion she brings to her volunteer "job". She deserves thank you's and accolades, not lies and castigation, for her willingness to continue serving the national party when she has been mistreated and hounded out of the state party.  Serving on national committees requires hard work, discipline, and not someone who just wants to voice opinions. Justine is certainly someone who has put personal time, energy, and money into representing our state and our nation well, IMHO.
-- Karin Norton-O'Connor

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