{news} Fw:[actshare] Recognizing Israel as a Jewish racist state

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 20 07:53:21 EDT 2009

Dear CT Greens, 

It is disturbing to see that a one of our GPCT members, Amy Vas Nunes, on an anti-war listserve of mainly non-Greens, encourages the impression that her opinion represents the International Commitee, GPUS and GPCT--rather than her own view.   Amy's original post and my reply are below.




----- Original Message ----- 

From: Justine McCabe 

To: actshare at lists.riseup.net ; Amy Vas Nunes 

Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:15 PM

Subject: Re:AVN does not represent the Green Party of the US [actshare] Recognizing Israel as a Jewish racist state


Dear all, 


In identifying herself as a GPCT delegate to the International Committee (IC) of the Green Party of the US (GPUS), Amy Vas Nunes is presenting her own views, and in no way represents the views of the IC or the GPUS.


Indeed her view actually misrepresents the GP's policies which include support for the boycott, divestment, sanctions movement against Israel because of its institutionalized discrimination (racism) against non-Jews within all of Israel/Palestine. 

See:  Greens, Calling for Palestinian Rights, Urge Divestment from Israel  

Greens join Global Day of Action for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on March 30 to end the Israeli occupation

Green Party to Obama: US must participate in Durban 2 international antiracism summit  


The Green Party of the US has long recognized that opposing the illegal and undemocratic policies of Israel is not only NOT anti-Semitic, but is fulfilling its mission/obligation as a political party working for peace and justice.


In that vein, the GP greatly appreciates the work for peace by Mazin, a former CT Green, whose writing helps keep the IC and our national media committee informed of what's happening on the ground in the occupied West Bank.      



Justine McCabe

Co-Chair, International Committee

Green Party of the US  



----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Amy Vas Nunes 
  To: actshare at lists.riseup.net 
  Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 2:44 PM
  Subject: RE: [actshare] Recognizing Israel as a Jewish racist state


  From: qumsi001 at hotmail.com
  To: academicsforjustice at yahoogroups.com; actshare at lists.riseup.net; al-awda-clt at yahoogroups.com; al-awda-ct at yahoogroups.com
  Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:21:55 -0400
  Subject: [actshare] Recognizing Israel as a Jewish racist state

  On the recommendation of an Israeli friend in Tel Aviv* and as Netanyahu demanded (even though the Bush Administration did not go along with this delaying tactic), I recognize Israel as a Jewish racist state and I think the Palestinian leadership should do the same thing!  All of us should indeed recognize that it has structured itself as an exclusivist Jewish state and enshrined racism in its basic laws (on land ownership, citizenship laws etc, see chapter 7 in my book “Is Israel a Democracy? Posted at http://www.qumsiyeh.org/chapter7/ ). This would indeed clear things up and we can begin the real work for a durable peace.  Framing the conflict correctly is indeed far more conducive to solving it than the vague 61 year quest for an elusive “two-state” solution while the racist regime continues to kill Palestinians with impunity and to take our land and demolish our homes even in areas supposedly "not disputed" (like the Negev and the Galilee).  On Friday when we had our commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus (Per the Eastern Christian calendar), our colleague Basem Aburahma was killed and several injured in a nonviolent demonstration in Bilin (see report from the International Middle East Media Center at http://www.imemc.org/article/60009 ).  Many people in Gaza continue to suffer (and indeed die) thanks to the medieval siege that Israel imposed on them.  And we Christians of the Holy Land are not spared the onslaught that has been going on for 61 years under the racist ideology of creating a Jewish state in a multiethnic multireligious Palestine.  Here are just two stories about our struggles here in Beit Sahour (the Shepherds’ field), whose population is 70% Christian and 30% Muslim:

  -Palestinians opposing Jewish settlement in Ush Ghrab have shown courage but their efforts are futile without support by Ben White, published in the Guardian 9 April 2009



  -Residents of a Palestinian Christian housing project in the West Bank village of Beit Sahour say Israel is encircling their community with a security road to separate them from a nearby Jewish settlement.


  Jerusalem/AlQuds was declared 2009 capital of Arab culture. This happened as the city is being changed by ethnic cleansing, home demolition, destroying its multiethnic, multireligious (and predominantly Arab/Eastern) to become an Ashkenazi-Jewish-Western city.   http://www.alquds2009.org  

  This goes on while President Obama lives in a “Bubble of Ignorance” (see “Solving Palestine While Israel Destroys It” an analysis by ex-CIA analysts of the house of cards that is the “peace process industry”


  We must push Obama and politicians and media round the world.  Write, write and write and let us all raise the heat a bit on both the usurpers and the indifferent.  Meanwhile, let us continue building the boycotts, divestments and sanctions movement against apartheid Israel (see http://www.bdsmovement.net/ ) and do continue “having joyful participation in the sorrows of this world.”

  PS, the lemons and oranges are now blossoming and the fragrance is incredible.


  Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD 

  A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

  *Here is what David wrote: I think the Palestinians can go along with Nothingyahooo, and recognize Israel right away as a "racist and fascist state", perhaps such act of recognition in itself would cheer them up and surely not stir any embarrassment. At any case - no doubt the Israeli stooge government and its foreign office are working 24/7 devising plans to cheat and stall Obama, Mitchell and other envoys, I believe they would rather end up nuking the entire ME than give up their 1967 loot. Before that, I won't be surprised if the subservient AIPAC would soon unleash an upgraded assault, extending its lethal claws to subdue American policy makers.

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