{news} Tomorrow night at 7:00pm"debate" between Allan and his Democratic challenger

chapillsbury at igc.org chapillsbury at igc.org
Mon Jun 1 20:51:18 EDT 2009

Tomorrow night, the Ward 10 Democratic Committee is sponsoring a "debate" between Allan and his Democratic challenger at 7:00pm in the cafeteria of the old Worthington Hooker School at the corner of Canner and Livingston Streets in New Haven.  

Whether or not you live in Ward 10, please attend and support Allan.  This "debate" is carefully scripted, so much of the politicking will take place at the end of the "debate" when all will be encouraged to mix, mingle and meet the candidates.  The Ward 10 Committee has organized this event to help its members decide whether or not to endorse anyone in this race.  

Here are some excerpts about the campaign from the NH Independent:

"East Rock Alderman Allan Brison, the only Green on a board of 28 Democrats and one Republican, officially kicked off his campaign for reelection Friday [May 1]. After representing Ward 10 for two years, Brison is facing a challenge from a young environmental activist, Justin Elicker, in a November contest.... Charlie Pillsbury, co-chair of the New Haven Green Party, said his party is focusing entirely on defending Brison’s seat this year, instead of backing candidates for multiple offices."

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