{news} Fw: Green Forum in NYC on Gaza, Kovel, etc

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 21 07:00:37 EDT 2009

FYI CT Greens,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Justine McCabe 
To: USGP International Committee 
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Green Forum in NYC on Gaza, Kovel, etc 

Dear all, 

Last week I moderated a forum in NYC on Gaza organized by Tom Siracuse and the Westside Greens.
Perhaps for the first time in over 30 years of working on this issue, I felt truly hopeful; that because of the horrific Gaza massacre, a  critical mass of opposition to Israel's tyranny may have been reached.

The assembly hall at Judson Church was packed (over 100 people, mostly non-Greens) with folks highly supportive of Palestinian human rights, the one state solution, and the BDS movement   Amazingly, after I introduced the speakers, a lone dissenter rose to ask where were the panelists who would speak for Israel.  Spontaneously, the audience yelled out something like,  "We hear from Israel everyday--in the media, from our government.  We don't need to hear any more!"
We began with footage of the Gaza assault/aftermath, followed by a panel of speakers. A few high notes:

* Dorothy Zellner ("Jews Say No") spoke of how Jewish-Americans were at last recognizing Israel's corrupting influence on Jewish ethics/value on justice, and tradition of solidarity with oppressed peoples (other than Palestinians).  She humorously took potshots at the idea of Israel as a safe haven for Jews, "Really, I'm going to leave NY to get on a plane and go to Israel?"     

*Joel Kovel, former GPNY Senate Candidate, gave an excellent presentation on how Israel is disintegrating from within due its deadening Zionist policies, and about the central role of US in supporting Israeli aggression.   Kovel, a professor at Bard College for 21 years, recently was told his contract would not be renewed because of his outspoken opposition to Zionism/Israel's human rights violations 
 (Green Party Calls Upon Bard College Not to Terminate Dr. Joel Kovel ) I urge people to read his book Overcoming Zionism.
Also, see interview with Kovel before the Forum talking about the situation at Bard, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGkV1s7T1eA and check out his website, the Committee for the Open Discussion of Zionism   http://www.codz.org/
There you'll find info about writing to Bard in support of him.

*Palestinian-American Riham Barghouti of Adalah, NY gave an inspiring update on the BDS movement's successes, highlighting their efforts in   NYC, where they've protesting the opening of the Madison Ave.store of diamond/real estate mogul Lev Leviev whose company (Africa-Israel) builds Jews-only settlements in West Bank. In less than 2 years, they've succeeded in getting UNICEF and Oxfam to denounce Leviev, and the UK government recently announced a boycott of his company. http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article10370.shtml

Finally, as Global BDS Day approaches, MARCH  30th ( http://bdsmovement.net/files/JOINtheBDSactionDAY-en-final_0.pdf)
Riham offered a good example to Greens who want to implement GP's support for this movement:
Greens, Calling for Palestinian Rights, Urge Divestment from Israel -- 11.28.2005:  Each state party could launch a campaign against one American company or university doing business with Israel and doggedly go after them.   




West Side Green Party Forum on
The Israeli attack on Gaza:

What is needed for a just solution
to the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Israel's three-week-long attack on Gaza in December and January left over 1,300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis killed and thousands of Palestinians wounded. Israel's bombardment left the infrastructure in Gaza in a shambles, with schools, hospitals, mosques destroyed, while Israel continues to blockade needed supplies of food, electricity and water.

Come to a forum and discussion:

Saturday, March 7, 2009, 3:00-6:00 PM

Judson Memorial Church, Assembly Hall

239 Thompson St.

(1/2 block south of Washington Square Park,

A, C, D, E or F to West 4th St., #1 to Christopher St./Sheridan Sq.,
N or R to 8th St., or #6 to Astor Pl.)


Riham Barghouti, Adalah-NY, Coalition for Justice in the Middle East

Nellie Hester Bailey, Harlem Anti-War Coalition

Joel Kovel, Committee for an Open Discussion of Zionism & Author of "Overcoming Zionism" 

Dorothy Zellner, civil rights activist & member of "Jews Say No"

Steve Bloom, Activist Poets' Roundtable

Moderator: Justine McCabe, Co-Chair, Green Party U.S. International Committee

The forum will begin promptly at 3:00 PM with a short video on the Israeli attack on Gaza.

We are encouraging discussion of different viewpoints and perspectives. Please come and bring your thoughts and comments.

For more information, contact: westsidegreens at hotmail.com
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