{news} We should be able to recall Senator Lieberman

vogel at ct.metrocast.net vogel at ct.metrocast.net
Tue Nov 10 21:37:06 EST 2009

Connecticut needs the ability to recall its Congressmen.

U.S. healthcare is the most expensive in the world, outcomes are only slightly better than Cuba's, a large fraction of the population 
is not covered. It is a major cause of personal and corporate bankruptcies. It is a drag on business. Since few jobs are secure now, no 
one should have to question the need for change.  Reasonable reform is important for the economy and the well being of everyone.

The insurance industry runs healthcare with obscene CEO compensation, profligate lobbying, massive political payoffs, and a large 
expensive bureaucracy. You have no way to know if your coverage is adequate until you make a claim.  They can drop you. 

But Senator Lieberman received Contributions from health & insurance interests of $3,308,621 so it is not surprising that he has AGAIN 
reiterated his threat To support a GOP filibuster...unless the public option is removed. 

Lieberman says "the public doesn't support the public option".  (A recent public opinion poll shows he is wrong. "More than three out 
of every four Americans feel it is important to have a "choice" between a government-run health care insurance option and private 
coverage,..." (Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/20/new-poll-77-percent-suppo_n_264375.html )

Sign the petition at http://BoldProgressives.org/majorityvote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "Any Democratic senators who support a Republican attempt to block a vote on health care reform should be stripped of their leadership titles. Americans deserve a clean up-or-down vote on health care."

Senator Lieberman, when he campaigned for John McCain for President, supported endless war in Iraq, and he thought war with Iran would be a good idea.

He says healthcare reform is too expensive (even though it is pretty much revenue neutral.) 

Ask him why there is always plenty of money for war, but never any for healthcare.

Here is a notice from DFA that might allow you to ask him yourself.

Robert L. Vogel
49 Webster Rd
East Lyme, Ct 06333



The House of Representatives made history last weekend -- and Connecticut was a big part of it. Thanks to your hard work, all five of Connecticut's representatives voted to support healthcare reform that includes a public option.

But we can't stop now: Senator Joe Lieberman is threatening to join a Republican filibuster of healthcare reform even though two-thirds of Constitution Staters want the choice of a public option.

Even if Lieberman is the only member of the Senate Democratic Caucus to join a Republican filibuster, it will be enough to stop healthcare reform dead in its tracks in the Senate. We can't let that happen.

That's why Democracy for America is teaming up with our friends at SEIU to try something new. We're holding a candlelight vigil outside of Senator Lieberman's home this weekend to protest his obstruction.

Join DFA and SEIU at the candlelight vigil this weekend

We will NOT be shouting people down or waving threatening signs like teabaggers. We will show Senator Lieberman that Connecticut supports the public option.

We know we have the majority votes to pass healthcare reform with a public option in the Senate, but the Democratic Caucus must stand together to overcome a Republican filibuster. There's no reason Senator Lieberman should betray the caucus. Join us this weekend to make sure he gets the message.

Join the interfaith candlelight vigil on Sunday

Senator Lieberman is out of step with Connecticut. Join us on Sunday to make sure he sees that.

Thank you for all that you,


Adam Quinn, Field Director
Democracy for America
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