{news} Fwd: We Give Thanks to You

timmckee at mail.com timmckee at mail.com
Tue Nov 24 09:07:38 EST 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Green Party of the United States <gpinfo at gp.org>
To: timmckee at mail.com
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2009 6:40 pm
Subject: We Give Thanks to You

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Dear Tim,
This Thanksgiving Day, Greens have much to be thankful for and much to celebrate, as well as much to prepare for and work toward in the coming year.  We thank you for staying in touch with us, and forming the backbone of our support.  Because we do not depend on corporations, PACs or special interest groups, you are our sole means of support.  If you would like to make another generous contribution, we would appreciate it.  

We thank over 150 candidates who represented the Green Party throughout the year in local, state, and federal elections.  We thank the Reverend Bill Talen for being physically removed from a New York City mayoral debate for asking why he, the Green party-nominated candidate, was not invited to participate.  We thank Lynne Serpe for showing us that a Green Party member can out-fundraise an incumbent member of a New York City dynasty.  We thank Cam Gordon of Minneapolis and Chuck Turner of Boston for bringing Green Party wisdom to big cities, and Mary Jo Long of Afton, New York and Christine Nagle of College Park, Maryland for bringing it to small towns. 
We thank our hundreds of past and present office-holders for showing that, once elected, Greens can work with others and lead their communities with new ideas and common sense.  We thank Pam Hartwell-Herrero, Lew Tremaine and Larry Bragman of Fairfax, California for proving that the Green Party can serve as the majority of a city council.  We thank Kevin Donoghue and David Marshall for maintaining a Green bloc on the Portland, Maine City Council.  And we thank dozens of Greens doing unheralded work on Soil and Water Boards, Boards of Education, Water and Sanitary Districts, and as Auditors and Constables.   

We thank the many Greens that have risked arrest and imprisonment for speaking out on this key issue.  We thank Howie Hawkins, candidate for Syracuse City Council, and Midge Potts, 2010 candidate for U.S. Senate in Missouri, and all who have sacrificed their freedom to demand single-payer health care for all Americans.  We are thankful that these Greens - and Cynthia McKinney, imprisoned in Israel earlier this year for attempting to deliver relief supplies through a humanitarian group - are free to celebrate with their loved ones today.  Greens across the country continue to work to free prisoners of the failed war on drugs, prisoners of crimes of poverty, and prisoners of the Bush-turned-Obama Administration's indefinite detention policy so all might be free to celebrate with us.  

We thank the members of our National Committee, all our committees, and all our state and local organizers who devote tens of thousands of hours every year to build a truly progressive political movement.  We thank everyone who helped spread the word about our candidates by going door-to-door, writing letters to their local papers, making phone calls, and stuffing envelopes.  We thank you for already volunteering to support our candidates and campaigns in 2010.  

We thank our friends and families who may not be Green Party members but still support our work and campaigns.  Please take a second to forward this message to them as a sign of our thanks, and a request for them to join our party as we continue to build an alternative to politics as usual. 

Lastly, we thank you - our supporters and donors.  We especially thank our sustainers for their help all year long. Please help us continue to fulfill our mission by donating to the Green Party today.  We don't take ANY corporate money because we think corporate money in politics is wrong.  If you want to help us work for peace, support candidates and spread the Green message please help us today.  

Your donation will help us make sure we have a strong Green Party today and into the future. In July at the 2009 Annual National Meeting we set a goal of funding our operations with the help of 500 sustainers giving at least $10,000 a month.  In July we had 250 sustainers - we now have 331 sustainers.  You can help us reach this goal by becoming a sustainer today!
Your gift of any amount will help to strengthen our voice so that we can make lasting peace a reality, bring healthcare to everyone and work for equal rights for all people.  If you have given recently, please consider giving more.  And, if you haven't given in some time, please make today the day you give.

Email: gpinfo at gp.org

Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN

We are not the alternative - we are the imperative. Rosa Clemente

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