{news} Fw: Unbelievable abuse in California's grape fields

vogel at ct.metrocast.net vogel at ct.metrocast.net
Wed Sep 30 15:58:00 EDT 2009

Unbelievable abuse in California's grape fields
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Liz Cattaneo, American Rights at Work 
To: Robert Vogel 
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:58 PM
Subject: Unbelievable abuse in California's grape fields

            Dear Robert,

                  California farmworkers need our help to fight outrageous abuse.

                  Giumarra Vineyards Corporation thinks it can get away with dangerous work conditions and anti-union intimidation.

                  We need to tell Giumarra we won't stand for it. Take action now!
            It's hard to imagine this kind of abuse still happens in 2009...

            Forcing farmworkers to "race" and see who can pick the most grapes in searing 100-degree heat, and then firing the "losers." Screaming at workers and forcing them to take unpaid "time-outs" if they dare to question supervisors. 

            Insane quotas, giving workers no time for water, shade, or breaks.

            But that's standard operating procedure at Giumarra Vineyards Corporation - a  leading grape company. California farmworkers urgently need your help to make the abuses stop.

            Please speak up and demand fair treatment for California farmworkers today!

            You have already shown you can make a difference for exploited workers.

            Just last month, over 21,000 American Rights at Work activists took action, urging Chipotle to partner with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to help end exploitation of Florida farmworkers. Chipotle definitely noticed! And our supporters have helped get huge companies like McDonald's and Burger King to improve labor standards for farmworkers.

            Now California farmworkers need your help. As the world's largest table grape company, Giumarra harvests approximately 10% of U.S. grapes. If we don't help these workers, Giumarra's abuses could set a dangerous precedent for other companies. Demand better of Giumarra: tell them to put an end to worker abuse now!

            Your petition signature can make sure abuses like these don't become the industry standard for agribusiness companies:

              a.. Bullying workers who try to form unions. In 2005, Giumarra President Sal Giumarra threatened that if workers voted to form a union, he would turn the next year's crop of table grapes into juice or wine - a move that would require far fewer workers and cost many their jobs. 
              b.. Setting absurdly unrealistic quotas and threatening workers with their jobs if they don't meet the standards. 
              c.. Humiliating and shaming workers into working harder. Workers who speak up against the abuse and unrealistic quotas have been given unpaid "time-outs" to shame them into silence. 
              d.. Putting profits ahead of worker safety. High quotas force workers to go without water, shade, or breaks as they work in triple-digit temperatures.
            Giumarra needs to know that the public will not stand for endangering workers.

            Sign our petition to Giumarra Vineyards Corporation today. Then help us spread the word about this scandal by forwarding this email to five of your friends.

            Thanks for all that you do.

            Liz, Manny, Elizabeth B. and the American Rights at Work team

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