{news} Fw: USGP-INT Interesting news re our sister party in Sweden

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 25 11:28:29 EDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Julia Willebrand 
To: usgp-int at gp-us.org 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:14 AM
Subject: USGP-INT Interesting news re our sister party in Sweden

Green party is growing fast in Stockholm
Local News | 2010-08-24 
A new survey in Stockholm shows that the centre-right alliance who is currently governing in Stockholm is ten percentage units ahead of the red-green opposition. But the remarcable about the survey is the explosive increase of the Green party. 
Slightly more than 1,000 Stockholmers answered last week to the survey made by Synovate institute. Compared with the last election result, the red-greens increase their support with three percentage units to 43.9. The centre-right alliance got 53.5 percent.

The Green party in Stockholm is however the big winner. Compared with the 2006 elections the Greens have doubled their support, this means an increase with 100 percent.. In this survey they got 18.2 percent which means that they are almost as big as the Social Democrats'  20.2 percent.

- The increase of the Green Party is astonishing. It is very unusual that a party succeeds to double their support during one single lenngth of office, says Nicklas Källebring, analyst at Synovate to newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

The Social Democrats' result is historically low but they have on the other hand decreased gradually in Stockholm since 2002. The Moderate party consolidates their position as Stockholm's strongest party. With 37.6 percent they have a statistically significant increase with 0,4 percent. They seem to have stabilised around 37 percent according to Källebring.

Mats Öhlén
mats.ohlen at stockholmnews.com

Julia Willebrand, Ed.D
212 877-5088


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