[TDA_wg] TDA - mid-course adjustment

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Aug 11 08:50:20 EDT 2015

Hello IAU Time Domain WG,

There have been many positive reports of time domain related discussions at the General Assembly. Elizabeth Griffin has been particularly indefatigable in the pursuit of new partnerships. A strong consensus emerged from the TDA WG session on Friday to reform the WG at the Division B level (“Facilities, Technologies and Data Science”), rather than under Commission B2 (“Data and Documentation”). A related initiative will be to create task forces / interest groups under the WG in support of diverse classes of activity and specific deliverables.

It seems appropriate to bring this change to your attention as soon as possible to collect any comments you might have. The process is straightforward and we have the support of the new Div B leadership, but does require action by the IAU Exec. The WG can continue to pursue activities as normal in the mean time.

Rob Seaman

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