[TDA_wg] IAU GA splinter meeting for TDA WG

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Jun 15 18:46:45 EDT 2015

Hello IAU Time Domain Working Group,

Thanks to the efforts of our Vice Chair, Elizabeth Griffin, we will have a splinter meeting of the TDA WG of IAU Comm-5 at the General Assembly on Friday 7 August, 9-10 am.  We are grateful to everybody who responded about the possible times and dates; this was the best compromise.  We’ll let you know where it will be when they tell us ;-)  The submitted abstract is appended; we welcome your participation in fleshing this out a bit more.  In addition to the activities listed, the first order of business will be to figure out the procedure for continuing this WG under the new Comm-B2.  We imagine this will be straightforward, but…

Rob Seaman
Chair, IAU Div B Comm 5 WG Time Domain Astronomy

> Commission 5's new WG for Time Domain Astronomy (WG-TDA) would like to hold its inaugural meeting during the 2015 GA.  The principal focus will be the scientific activities which the WG plans to support and pursue until the 2018 GA.  Included among them are a proposal for a Symposium in 2017 on Time Domain Astronomy, and the preparation of a Case for a new Commission on Time Domain Astronomy.   Our best choice of time is Friday August 7, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.  Members who can attend represent a wide variety of time-domain activities, ranging from transient surveys, 'hotwired' topics, and the involvement of archival data.

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