[TDA_wg] Fwd: splinter meeting on time-domain-astrophysics at the Bochum meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Jun 1 08:56:08 EDT 2016

Of interest to the IAU's Time Domain Working Group:

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Frederic V. Hessman" <Hessman at astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de>
> Subject: splinter meeting on time-domain-astrophysics at the Bochum meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
> Date: June 1, 2016 at 5:40:04 AM MST
> Dear colleages,
> please note that we’re organizing a splinter meeting on the topic of ground-based time-domain astrophysics at the fall meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in Bochum (September 12-16).
> 	https://www.astro.rub.de/AG16_Splinter_TDA/ <https://www.astro.rub.de/AG16_Splinter_TDA/>
> Although we invite submissions on all kinds of topics - technical as well as scientific, from radio to gamma-rays - to be presented in the usual formats (talks & posters), it would also be nice to have enough broad-based community participation to be able to discuss networking (joint campaigns, robotic networking,….), current (GAIA), and future possibilities (LSST,…) from a very broad perspective.
> Frederic Hessman (Göttingen)
> Rolf Chini (Bochum)

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