[TDA_wg] Program for Hot-wiring the Transient Universe V

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Mon Sep 26 15:57:28 EDT 2016

The final program for next month’s Hot-wiring the Transient Universe V is now online:

	http://hotwired5.villanova.edu/node/files/HotwiredV_agenda.pdf <http://hotwired5.villanova.edu/node/files/HotwiredV_agenda.pdf>

with excellent talks on LSST, Near-Earth Asteroids, EM follow-up for LIGO, transient brokers, robotic facilities, synoptic surveys, exoplanets, multi-messenger observations and much more!

Late registration runs until October 1st. Still room for posters.

Rob Seaman
Co-chair, Hotwired V
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