[TDA_wg] Workshop on Time Domain Alert Science and Infrastructure

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Mon Apr 17 16:31:23 EDT 2017

A meeting of interest to the IAU Time Domain Working Group. Please
consider attending, especially if you are near Tucson. A draft agenda is
attached to this message, but I don't know if it will traverse the
mailing list software.

Rob Seaman
IAU Time Domain WG Chair

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Workshop on Time Domain Alert Science and Infrastructure
Date: 	Mon, 17 Apr 2017 11:10:53 -0700
From: 	Rachel Street <rstreet at lco.global>
To: 	Rob Seaman <seaman at lpl.arizona.edu>

Hi Rob,

I'd like to circulate the details of an upcoming workshop which I think
would be of interest to you, and many others in the Time Domain Working
Group, and which I think would benefit considerably from having both
your and their input and expertise. 

The workshop is being hosted jointly by NOAO and LCO in Tucson between
May 22-25, 2017 and you can find more details at:


We intend to take an active-participant approach to the sessions, which
will be predominantly discussions rather than a sequence of
presentations.  A small number of talks will be selected to "set the
scene" and pose questions, while other subjects can be presented as
posters.  Please find attached the draft agenda which outlines some of
the topics that we will cover. 

In addition, LCO staff will be presenting hands-on demonstration
sessions to give users of our network the opportunity to learn ways to
get the most out of our telescope network. 

Best wishes,
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