[TDA_wg] Scientist position in time-domain astronomy at NOAO

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Fri Dec 22 09:09:18 EST 2017

Of possible interest to the IAU TDA working group. Please bring this to
the attention of any potential candidates.

Happy Holidays!



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Lsst-transient] Scientist position in time-domain astronomy
Date: 	Thu, 21 Dec 2017 10:51:51 -0700
From: 	Thomas Matheson <matheson.tom at gmail.com>
To: 	lsst-transient at listserv.lsstcorp.org


I’d like to call your attention to this scientist position at NOAO:

The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) is seeking an Assistant or Associate Scientist, depending on experience, to work in support of time-domain astronomy. The Assistant or Associate Scientist will have demonstrated scientific ability in research and possess the motivation and ability to identify and carry out technical projects to completion while assisting in the day-to-day operations and long-term planning of the observatory.

The selected candidate will take a leading scientific and technical role in the development and deployment of an end-to-end time-domain follow-up observing capability for the US astronomical community. A major focus of this effort is the development of a tool for characterization of time-domain alerts from a growing number of surveys: the Arizona-NOAO Temporal Analysis and Response to Events System (ANTARES http://www.noao.edu/ANTARES/).  This system will annotate and characterize alerts from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and other time-domain surveys so that timely follow-up observations can be made by other facilities. The selected applicant will have the opportunity to utilize this system on real-time alert streams.

This link connects to the AURA job advertisement:


I am happy to answer any questions about the position.

Tom Matheson

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