[TDA_wg] Conference of interest to IAU TDA working group

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Mon May 8 09:25:30 EDT 2017




                 T H I R D   A N N O U N C E M E N T

               Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project

                   24 - 28 July 2017  (Monday-Friday)

                       Warsaw University, Poland

PLEASE NOTE that we have EXTENDED the important DEADLINES.

The early registration fee:            15 May 2017

Abstract submission deadline:          31 May 2017

For more details please visit:      https://ogle25.astrouw.edu.pl/

   In brief:

During the last quarter-century the knowledge on the universe and its
objects has improved dramatically. The OGLE project has contributed to
many fields of modern astrophysics - mainly to the development of
exoplanetary astronomy, stellar astrophysics, Galactic and Local Group
astronomy, but also cosmology. The conference is a good opportunity to
talk about fascinating discoveries of the recent years and to present
current knowledge in various areas of astrophysics and space science.

   Invited Speakers:

Giuseppe Bono       (Universita di Roma Tor Vergata)
Laurent Eyer        (University of Geneva)
Scott Gaudi         (Ohio State University)
Andrew Gould        (MPIA/KASI/OSU)
Shude Mao           (Tsinghua University/Nat. Astr. Observatories of China)
Mark Phillips       (Carnegie Observatories)
Paul Schechter      (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)
Andrzej Udalski     (Warsaw University Observatory)

Contact:    ogle25 at astrouw.edu.pl

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Warsaw in July!

The Organizing Committee
at Warsaw University Observatory

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